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Лаборатория экономико-социологических исследований

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+ 7 499 152 07 61

Котельникова Зоя kotelnikova@hse.ru

Бердышева Елена eberdysheva@hse.ru

 Лаборатория экономико-социологических исследований НИУ ВШЭ

 Подписка на рассылку

Creative Education in a Creative City: Teaching Economic Sociology Out of the Classroom in Moscow

2012. № 4 (30). С. 9–14 [содержание номера]
John Round, who came to the Higher School of Economics from the University of Birmingham, reports on two of his post-graduate courses at the Department of Sociology in Moscow. More specifically, he reflects upon the role of street based learning as a pedagogical approach to teaching. A method that provides teaching opportunities through “real life” study of economic sociology in action at various sites around Moscow.

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