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Магистратура 2019/2020

Управление командами

Статус: Курс по выбору (Управление кадрами государственных организаций)
Направление: 38.04.04. Государственное и муниципальное управление
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 1, 2 модуль
Формат изучения: с онлайн-курсом
Прогр. обучения: Управление кадрами государственных организаций
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 4

Course Syllabus


The course “Leading Teams” is taught on educational online platform “Coursera.org”, https://www.coursera.org/learn/leading-teams, the University of Michigan. In this course, students will learn best practices for composing a team and aligning individual and team goals. Students will also learn how to establish roles, build structures, and manage decision making so that a team excels. This course will also provide knowledge how to manage critical team processes such as conflict resolution and building trust that have a profound impact on team performance. The best ways to harness the productive potential of teams while mitigating the risks and traps of teamwork are also discussed in the course. In modern organization, most of work is done in teams, yet the results of teamwork are exceptionally mixed. Many teams are poorly designed and structured, fraught with dysfunctional conflict, experience coordination breakdowns and serious motivation challenges. As a result, many teams fail to realize their potential and frequently underperform even individuals working on similar tasks. After completing this course, students will acquire a set of tools and practices that enable them to effectively set up, run, evaluate, and continuously improve a team. Such insights will both make listeners more effective team leaders but also standout contributors in team settings.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The primary objective of this course is to equip students with knowledge how to build a team, improve teamwork and collaboration, and sustain team performance through continuous learning and improvement.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • To learn strategies and tactics to design a team effectively.
  • To learn strategies and tactics to structure a team effectively.
  • To learn how to recognize most typically process hurdles in teamwork and how to overcome them, thus creating high-performing teams.
  • To learn how to evaluate team performance and how to ensure this high performance is sustainable in teams.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Designing Teams for Excellence
    Team leader must determine how best to compose and structure a team. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the optimal team size, diversity of team members, values, and goals for the team - all of which will have a big impact on team dynamics and performance.
  • Structuring Teams for Excellence
    Team leader must determine how best to structure a team, specifically how it is possible to structure decision making, rewards, and roles. It is also important to ensure the team has a clear set of norms that guide its behavior.
  • Managing Team Dynamics
    It is common to see teams working on identical tasks and having similar access to organizational resources and talent produce systematically different performance outcomes. This occurs because we mismanage team processes, or how teammates work on the task and interact with one another during teamwork.
  • Creating Sustainable Team Performance and Learning
    This module is focused on creating sustainable levels of high-performance in teams. We will discuss how to ensure team learning and effective flow of new ideas in teams.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Online tests during the course
  • non-blocking Final exam
    Экзамен проводится в устной форме (опрос по материалам курса). Экзамен проводится на платформе Zoom (www.zoom.us). К экзамену необходимо подключиться согласно расписанию ответов, высланному преподавателем на корпоративные почты студентов накануне экзамена. Компьютер студента должен удовлетворять требованиям: наличие рабочей камеры и микрофона, поддержка Zoom. Для участия в экзамене студент обязан: поставить на аватар свою фотографию, явиться на экзамен согласно точному расписанию, при ответе включить камеру и микрофон. Во время экзамена студентам запрещено: выключать камеру, пользоваться конспектами и подсказками. Кратковременным нарушением связи во время экзамена считается нарушение связи менее минуты. Долговременным нарушением связи во время экзамена считается нарушение минута и более. При долговременном нарушении связи студент не может продолжить участие в экзамене. Процедура пересдачи подразумевает использование усложненных заданий.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.3 * Final exam + 0.7 * Online tests during the course


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Armstrong, M. (2016). Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR : Developing Effective People Skills for Better Leadership and Management (Vol. Fourth edition). Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1406071

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Krystyna Heinz. (2014). Multicultural team conflict management. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.9045A39D
  • L. Gorshkova A., V. Poplavskaya A., Людмила Горшкова Алексеевна, & Вера Поплавская Алексеевна. (2016). АНАЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТАРИЙ ДИАГНОСТИКИ И ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКОЙ КОМАНДЫ КАК ЭЛЕМЕНТА МЕТОДИКИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ // Analytical Tools for the Diagnostics and the Formation of a Management Team as an Element of the Organization Development Technique. Учет. Анализ. Аудит // Accounting. Analysis. Auditing, (6), 83. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsrep&AN=edsrep.a.scn.accntn.y2016i6p83.92
  • Nordbäck, E. S., & Espinosa, J. A. (2019). Effective Coordination of Shared Leadership in Global Virtual Teams. Journal of Management Information Systems, 36(1), 321–350. https://doi.org/10.1080/07421222.2018.1558943