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Аспирантура 2019/2020

Бизнес и предпринимательство в Азии

Статус: Факультатив
Направление: 38.06.01. Экономика
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 2 семестр
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Язык: русский
Кредиты: 4
Контактные часы: 38

Программа дисциплины


Курс посвящен практическим особенностям развития деловых отношений, а также введения бизнеса в странах Восточной (Китай), Южной (Индия) и Юго-Восточной Азии (Вьетнам, Индонезия, Малайзия, Сингапур, Мьянма и др.). Курс, с одной стороны рассматривает практические аспекты делового взаимодействия со странами Азии, с другой стороны показывает фундаментальные тенденции деловой культуры этого региона. Курс рассматривает особенности деловой этики и переговорного процесса в Азии, формы налаживания контактов, характерные азиатские формы менеджмента; формы инвестиций и репатриации капитала с азиатских рынков; создание цепочек поставок и логистики; формы выхода на азиатские рынки; стоимость операционных расходов при работе в Азии; взаимодействие с органами власти и финансовыми элитами; создание предприятий различных форм собственности и представительств, а также их ликвидации; особенности налогообложения для юридических и физических лиц; рынок труда в Азии наём и увольнение сотрудников, особенности трудовых контрактов; проживание и реклама своих продуктов на азиатских рынках; азиатский аутсорсинг; менеджмент совместных предприятий и предприятий иностранного капитала, взаимодействию с государственными и деловыми структурами в Азии; перспективы и особенности деятельности российских предпринятый на азиатских рынках.
Цель освоения дисциплины

Цель освоения дисциплины

  • Задачи курса и приобретаемые компетенции: - рассказать об особенностях региональной экономики, деловой среды, предпринимательства и менеджмента; - предоставить сведения о структуре регионального бизнеса, формах создания и деятельности совместных компаний с азиатскими партнерами; - научить основам деловой этноспецифической культуры, в том числе ведения деловых переговоров, развития и поддержания деловых отношений; - дать общее понимание взаимосвязи культурно-этнических традиций и деловой среды в странах Востока; - дать представления о инвестиционно-банковской и кредитно-финансовой деятельности в странах Востока, обсудить перспективы и формы получения кредитов и инвестиции, а также инвестирования в азиатские рынки - научить важнейшим формам поведения в восточных странах, дать сведения о потенциальных рисках, типовых ошибках, статусе иностранцев
Планируемые результаты обучения

Планируемые результаты обучения

  • be able to establish main forms of business cooperation, joint ventures, investing and to develop logistics in Asian countries
  • be able to examine main trends, advantages and disadvantages of establishing different types of enterprises in China, to compare various opportunities SA and SEA to set up or to relocate business in this region
  • gain stimulating, multi-cultural learning experience focused on the dynamics of China, SA and SEA business practices
  • to get better understanding of the challenges of establishing or doing business in China, SA and SEA and to gain greater ability to establish successful relationships with NEA colleagues, clients and suppliers
  • Identify the main trends of economics of region of Northeast Asia
  • to have a clear understanding of the key drivers that motivate Asian business counterparts; - develop skills in efficient communication, teambuilding, motivation, decision making and negotiation with China, SA and SEA
  • to use business culture customs in China, SEA and SA, and other countries for successful negotiations
  • understand the nature of business and management in Asian countries and main approaches for establishing business relations
Содержание учебной дисциплины

Содержание учебной дисциплины

  • Introduction: modeling business and entrepreneurship in Asia
    Cultural and business nature of entrepreneurship; Consumer impulses and desires in Asia; Mass media and consumerism; Asia’s business attraction; Rebalancing Asian economics and business’ changes; National traditions and business communication; Changing nature of Chinese market; The structure of Chinese economic model; State and economics in post-totalitarian China; Debt, domestic market and the rebalancing of economics; Social harmony as a mean of non-economic regulations in economy; Sustainable development and crisis and in Chinese market
  • New Chinese entrepreneurship: cultural and economic dimensions. Entrepreneurship in Chinese retail and luxury brand
    Changing Nature of Chinese Markets and New Trends in Business Culture; Main trends, common points and contradictions; Present and the Future of East Asian management; The Role of social media in marketing; Cultural factors in modern East Asian management; New Chinese consumerism; Concept of “Super consumer” for China; Booming in Chinese markets and its consequences; Entrepreneurship in Chinese retail and luxury brands; Case studies: Lenovo, Huawei and ZTE approaches;Supply Chains, planning, distribution and sell strategy in China
  • Establishing and running business in China. Tax, audit an accounting China
    Establishing business in China. Making changes in business; Protecting intellectual property; Restructure an underperforming Business in China; Trading with and from China; Establishing company in China; Using China’s Free Trade Zones; Repatriating Profit from China; Mergers & Acquisitions in China; Tax, audit and accounting China; Annual compliance and due diligence
  • Management and Human Resources in China in China and neighboring countries
    New nature of Management in Mainland China; Decision making in Chinese business; Management in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; Management of private companies in China; Management and Entrepreneurship in HK, Singapore, Taiwan: new alternatives and traditional methods; Human Resources in China
  • Business culture, relation, customs, and communication in China
    Business rituals China; Dress code, business behavior; Negotiations processes and communication; Preparing for establishing; National specific business strategy; Understanding the role of informal relations in business style In China and SEA; Living as an expat in China and SEA
  • E-commerce and Social Media in China
    Cross Border e-Commerce in China; Business Models for China’s Cross Border e-Commerce Market; Managing Intellectual Property in e-Commerce Markets; Using Social media for promotion; WeChat, QQ, Weibo
  • Hong Kong and Singapore as gates to Asia
    A Brief Overview of Hong Kong and Singapore Business model; Different entities that a foreign business can establish in Hong Kong and Singapore; Deregistering the company and dormant company; Tax, Audit and Accounting in Hong Kong and Singapore; Offshore status of Hong Kong companies; Human Resources and Payroll; Investing in Singapore and ASEAN; Company’s types in Singapore; Singapore holding companies and the incorporation process
  • Entrepreneurship and Business in Japan. Business interaction and communication in Japan
    Structure and perspective of Japanese firm; Keretsu, Family business and Corporate government; The corporate environment in Japan; The Japanese tax system and legislation; Entrepreneurship in Japan; Human resources in Japan; The recruitment process, promotion and compensation; Leadership in Japanese companies; Japanese negotiation style and decision-making process; Strategic management; Business etiquette and intercultural communication
  • The Japanese market and manufacturing in Japan
    Japanese consumer behavior; Japanese marketing and retailing; Manufacture and logistics; Concepts and strategies of Kaizen; Consumerism in Japan
  • Business models in Korea
    Structure of Korean business; Korean companies and business leaders; Business communication in Korea; Formalities and negotiations; Cultural aspects of Koran Business etiquette
  • Indian business culture
    Cross-cultural communication in India; Establishing company in India and legal issues; Human resources in India; Finance and banking in Indian Market; Marketing in India; Sales and marketing in India; Tax and Accounting in India. Tax liability for companies; Sourcing from India
  • South-East Asia as a platform for Asian growth
    ASEAN countries profiles; Trends in Entrepreneurship development in ASEAN region; Economic development, trade and investments in ASEAN region; Tax, accounting compliance and HR in ASEAN; Double taxation agreements; New Development zones; ASEAN as a Platform for Asian Growth; Comparing business and trade in NEA and SEA; Opportunities and Challenges in the Labor Market in SEA; Regional Labor Markets; Perspectives for development: Vietnam and Indonesia
  • Wrap-up: changing nature of business in Asia
    The Chinese issues and South-East Asian alternatives; Cross-Asian business and new opportunities; Avoiding the risk for business in Asia; New consumerism in Asia; Relocating business across Asia; New trends in Asian Markets
Элементы контроля

Элементы контроля

  • неблокирующий посещаемость
  • неблокирующий активность на занятиях
  • неблокирующий индивидуальное домашнее задание-эссе по одной из предложенных тем
  • блокирующий экзамен
Промежуточная аттестация

Промежуточная аттестация

  • Промежуточная аттестация (II семестр)
    0.2 * активность на занятиях + 0.3 * индивидуальное домашнее задание-эссе по одной из предложенных тем + 0.25 * посещаемость + 0.25 * экзамен
Список литературы

Список литературы

Рекомендуемая основная литература

  • Bagla, G. (2008). Doing Business in 21st-Century India : How to Profit Today in Tomorrow’s Most Exciting Market. [Place of publication not identified]: Business Plus. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=767029
  • Chan, S., & Zakkour, M. (2014). China’s Super Consumers : What 1 Billion Customers Want and How to Sell It to Them. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=842625
  • De Mente, B. (2013). The Chinese Way in Business : The Secrets of Successful Business Dealings in China (Vol. 1st ed). Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567748
  • De Mente, B. L. (2011). Etiquette Guide to Korea : Know the Rules That Make the Difference! New York: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1568415
  • De Mente, B. L. (2016). Etiquette Guide to China : Know the Rules That Make the Difference! North Clarendon: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1569018
  • Free trade zones in China : A guide. (2015). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.9580E888
  • Haghirian, P. (2016). Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management. Basingstoke: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1163631
  • Hung-PoHsieh, & 謝宏博. (2016). Cross-Border e-Commerce Studies in Taiwan and Mainland China. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsndl&AN=edsndl.oai.union.ndltd.org.TW.104NCKU5457058
  • Laurence J. Brahm. (2011). Art of the Deal in China : A Practical Guide to Business Etiquette and the 36 Martial Strategies Employed by Chinese Businessmen and Officals in China. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1568264
  • Lu, P. X. (2011). Elite China : Luxury Consumer Behavior in China. Hoboken: Wiley. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=420758
  • Pettis, M., & Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (2013). Avoiding the Fall : China’s Economic Restructuring. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for Int’l Peace. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=641536
  • Warner, M. (2012). Managing Across Diverse Cultures in East Asia : Issues and Challenges in a Changing Globalized World. Hoboken: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=507517
  • ボイ・ラファイエット・デ・メンテ. (2009). Etiquette Guide to Japan : Know the Rules That Make the Difference! (Vol. Updated and expanded ed). North Clarendon, Vt: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567151

Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература

  • Экономика Китайской Народной Республики. Важнейшие этапы развития, 1949-2007. Ч.1: ., Гельбрас, В. Г., 2007