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All-Moscow scientific seminar "Mathematical Methods of Decision Analysis in Economics, Business and Politics".

On June 15 (Wednesday), 2022, a regular meeting of the all-Moscow scientific seminar "Mathematical Methods of Decision Analysis in Economics, Business and Politics" took place at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics".

Seminar leaders:
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Fuad Tagievich Aleskerov,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Podinovsky Vladislav Vladimirovich,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Mirkin Boris Grigorievich.

Theme: Nonlocal spatial evolutionary game
Speaker: Schur L. (HSE University)
The spatial evolutionary game was proposed by Nowak and May almost thirty years ago. Players are placed on a two-dimensional grid and play according to the rules of the prisoner's dilemma with eight neighbors. The game is synchronous, at each discrete step the player adopts the strategy of the neighbor who has the largest payoff at the previous step, if his payoff exceeds the player's own payoff. The game can be interpreted as a cellular automaton with a transition matrix of 225. We modified the Nowak-May game by adding a non-local term proportional to the average value of the cooperators at the current step. Interestingly, this modification changed the nature of transitions between quasi-stationary states. Instead of sharp jump transitions between stationary states, continuous transitions are observed. We will also discuss the following modification, in which the game takes place on several fields with mutual influence through the average value of the cooperators on these fields. Interestingly, the quasi-stationary state of one field can coexist with chaotic behavior in another field.