Faculty of Economic Sciences Welcomes New Partner Universities from Ghana
HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences took an active part in International Partners’ Week, just finished at HSE. The week was attended by representatives of 23 countries, including the new partners of the Faculty of Economic Sciences - the University of Cape Coast and the University of Ghana. One of the purposes of the visit of representatives of Ghanaian universities was to sign the MOU’s with HSE University. Agreements will enable academic and cultural cooperation between universities, as well as establish academic exchanges.
Professor Eric Maskin Meets with DeCAn Lab Staff
A hosted lecture by Professor Eric Maskin "How to Improve Presidential Elections" at the Faculty of Economic Sciences on December 13 was followed by by the meeting of the DeCAn lab Staff with the Nobel Laureate.

The 2018 Field Course Was Hosted By The UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
A group of laboratory staff headed by Professor Fuad Aleskerov returned from the Arctic University of Norway (UiT). The HSE scholars and students participated in the first field course which was held from September 24 to September 28, 2018 as part of a three-year project on international cooperation between NRU HSE and the Arctic University of Norway (UiT).
DeCAn Faculty visited Molde University College
Dean of DeCAn laboratory Professor F. Aleskerov with our faculty have visited Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics from October 7 to October 15 for a joint work on the Norwegian-Russian academic collaboration project "Logistical and environmental management of natural resources development and transportation in the Arctic area (Arctic Logistics)"
DeCAn faculty visited University of Tromsø
Dean of DeCAn laboratory Professor F. Aleskerov with our faculty have visited The University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway from September 10 to September 17 for a joint work with UiT on the project "High North Economics: Learning how economists work and think in Russia and Norway using theoretical models and laboratory experiments".
3rd International Conference On Dynamics Of Disasters, DOD 2017
The study of dynamics of disasters is an important and worthwhile endeavour, with huge benefits for everyone. Join us in beautiful Kalamata, Greece on July 5 to 9, 2017 , where experts share the latest findings on natural and unnatural disasters. We extend an invitation for those studying topics related to disasters to submit an abstract and paper and everyone to register to attend this fascinating and must-see conference.