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Research seminar of DeCAn center

The seminar of the International Center of Decision Choice and Analysis is intended to discuss the results of studies conducted by the DeCAn faculty.

06.11.2024 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): urban planning aspects of spatial development - prerequisites, features, tasks. E.A. Chaika (MARHI)
25.09.2024 Simulation modeling of the process of spreading a banking panic A.V.Ramenskaya (HSE)
11.09.2024 Network methods of music analysis D.A. Naumova (HSE)     
11.04.2024 Long-term optimization and risk assessment for linear stochastic systems with multidirectional time preferences E.S.Palamarchuk (CEMI RAS, HSE)
27.03.2024 Multi-Dimensional Social Choice under Frugal Information: The Tukey Median as Condorcet Winner Ex Ante Clemens Puppe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
13.03.2024 Algorithms for calculating the exact values of the manipulability indices of voting procedures for the case of 3 alternatives A.A. Ivanov (HSE)
28.02.2024 Global environmental risks. The causes and consequences of the onset. Models and methods for investigating dependencies between global risks (review of work). P.P.Khachikyan (HSE)
14.02.2024 Comparative analysis of indices of structural changes in the economy through the prism of cyclical development E.M.Akhmedova (UNEC Russian School of Economics)
24.01.2024 Tunnel clustering method in the problem of pattern analysis, its implementation as a human-machine procedure and examples of application D.A. Chubarova (HSE)
13.12.2023 Intermittent domains and other large Condorcet domains A. Karpov (HSE, IPU RAS), K. Markström (Umea University), S. Riis, B. Zhu (Queen Mary University of London)
25.10.2023 Building a measurable assessment of the relevance of the selection of objects for the training database V.A.Antonets, M.A.Antonets (Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, JSC MO-TEK, Nizhny Novgorod)
14.06.2023 Fair division with extended sets of estimates Rubchinsky A.A. (HSE and MISIS), Goryunov A.G. (MISIS)
24.05.2023 Bibliometric analysis of publications in the field of Parkinson's disease research Aleskerov F.T. (HSE, IPU RAS),Khutorskaya O.E. (IPU RAS),Stepochkina A.K. (HSE),Zinovieva K.E. (HSE),Yakuba V.I. (IPU RAS, HSE)
05.05.2023 Food security analysis, a survey - II S.Datta, D.S.Egorov, D.S.Tkachev (HSE)
26.04.2023 Food security analysis – a survey S.Datta, D.S.Egorov, D.S.Tkachev (HSE)
22.03.2023 A betweenness centrality in Game-Theoretic models of network formation I.A.Samoylenko (HSE, MIPT)
08.02.2023 Mathematical modeling of real-time strategy games (RTS) I.D.Laryushin (Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod)
25.01.2023 Experience in conducting computational experiments on modeling collective interaction F.I.Ereshko (VC RAS)
11.01.2023 Fair division with extended sets of estimates  A.N.Subochev (HSE), A.V.Yudina (HSE)
14.12.2022 A Theory of Integrity. Rational-irrational dualism in ‘doing the right thing Rawlins T.
09.11.2022 About stability of results for aggregation rules Karabekyan D.
22.06.2022 Analysis of the attitude of students of the National Research University Higher School of Economics to vaccination Afanasiev A. (HSE), Beisenbayeva L. (HSE), Egorova L.G. (HSE, IC RAS)
10.11.2021 Modeling of the economic mechanisms of the agro-industrial complex. Research and development of models of a digital platform for the management of the agroindustrial complex of Russia (CPU of the agroindustrial complex)  1) V. Budzko (prof, Doctor of Technical Sciences, FITZ IU RAS)
2) F. Ereshko (prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences, FITZ IU RAS)
3) S. Ognivtsev (prof., Doctor of Economics, ANO "System Analysis")
4) A. Tsvirkun (prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences, IPU RAS)
03.02.2021  Agent-based modeling for choosing the optimal banking system regulation regime (on the example of Russia)  Ermolova M.D. (HSE University)
07.10.2020 Balanced identification of the COVID-19 dynamic model: general biological patterns and country-specific social features A.Sokolov (Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), ICS RAS)
19.07.2020 "Democracy without Enlightenment" M. Morreau (The Arctic University of Norway)
12.07.2020 "Arrow’s Theorem, May’s Axioms, and Borda’s Rule" E. Maskin (DeCAn center)
28.06.2020 1) "The effect of changes in threshold values of the consistency index on the balance measure of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic"
2) "Network analysis of Russian scientific publications in the field of Public Administration"
3) "Data Analysis of Health System of the Russian Federation using clustering methods and pattern analysis"
1) D. Tkachev (DeCAn center)
2) A. Eremenko (DeCAn center)
3) N. Teltsova (DeCAn center)
21.06.2020 "Analysis of the investment attractiveness of the regions: the impact of conflicts and economic factors on foreign direct investment" A. Yamilov (HSE University)
14.06.2020 "Belief Functions for the Importance Assessment in Multiplex Networks" N. Meshcheryakova (DeCAn center)
7.06.2020  "Mathematical education of non-mathematicians" V. Itenberg (UNECON - Saint Petersburg State University of Economics)
31.05.2020 "Pattern analysis of financial strategies of companies" S. Dzyuba (Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Far Eastern Federal University) 
24.05.2020 1) "Interval Methods of DEA and Their Application for Evaluating the Performance of Universities",
2) "Governance of International Migration",
3) "Network Analysis of International Trade: 2001-2016"
1) P. Serebrennikov (HSE University)
2) A. Rezyapova (DeCAn center)
3) A. Roman (DeCAn center)
17.05.2020 "Discussion of the model (Ordonez, 2018) on the transition of banks to the shadow economy" M. Ermolova (DeCAn center)
10.05.2020 "Analysis of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on modern society" L. Kadyrova (HSE University)
3.05.2020 "Manipulability indices and their calculation for collective decision rules" A. Ivanov (DeCAn center)
26.04.2020  "Monkeys choose as if maximizing utility compatible with basic principles of revealed preference theory" A. Subochev (DeCAn center)
12.11.2019-15.11.2019 Autumn School "The modern methods and models of the individual and collective choice and decision-making theory with application to network data analysis, aggregation problems, influence indices" S. Demin, L. Koczy, А. Myachin, H. Peters, К. Patel, А. Subochev, А. Khmelnitskaya, S. Shvydun, P. Emerson
7.11.2018-9.11.2018 Autumn school "Current trends in decision-making analysis"
(Day 1, Day 2, Day 3)

I. Gilboa, T. Grigoriadis, M. Grabisch, G. Demange, S. Mukherjee, S. Napel, A. Rusinowska, W. Thomson, K. Cechlárová, A. Subochev, N. Meshcheryakova, S. Demin, S. Shvydun, D. Tverskoy
1.10.2018-2.10.2018  Seminars of DeCAn lab L. Egorova, V. Podinovskiy,
A. Rubchinskiy, A. Lepskiy,
A. Subochev, D. Tverskoy,
A. Karpov, S. Demin,
I. Gavrilenkova, A. Rezyapova,
N. Meshcheryakova, B. Mirkin,
G. Penikas, A. Myachin,
A. Ovchinnikov, A. Ivanov
22.11.2017 "Some remarkable polyhedra in cooperative game theory" and "Modeling anonymous influence with anti-conformist agents" M. Grabisch and A. Rusinowska-Grabisch (University Paris I, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne)
25.09.2017-26.09.2017  School "Decision making in network context"
24.05.2016 Bayesian Kernel Methods for Classification and Online Learning Problems T. Trafalis (University of Oklahoma, USA)
23.05.2016 Kernel Methods with Imbalanced Data and Applications to Weather Prediction T. Trafalis (University of Oklahoma, USA)
25.01.2016 Summer School on Fair Division L. Egorova, N. Meshcheryakova (DeCAn center) 
22.10.2015 Comparative statics in common value auctions and beyond C. Sorokin (DeCAn center)
14.09.2015 Stochastic games and laboratory experiments in the field of dynamic games (in Russian) V. Oleynik, C. Sorokin (DeCAn center)
7.09.2015 Models and algorithms for solving the tasks of space-calendar planning of the ISS crew training (in Russian) A. Lazarev, A. Petrov (DeCAn center)
15.06.2015 The study of signs to identify implicit relationships between participants in anaphoric relationships (bridging anaphora (in Russian)
V. Tsygankova (DeCAn center)
21.05.2015 Seeding, Competitive Intensity and Quality in Knock-out Tournaments (in Russian) D. Dagaev (HSE University), A. Suzdaltsev (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
27.04.2015 Assessing the degree of election manipulation in virtual communities: Wikipedia Arbitration Committee (in Russian) I. Schurov, A. Tambovtseva (HSE University)
13.03.2015 Modern decision-making models in management (in Russian)
F. Aleskerov (DeCAn center)
3.03.2015 Computational Models and Challenging Optimization Problems P. Pardalos (HSE University)
2.03.2015 Business models: basic approaches to the study and operationalization of indicators (in Russian)
O. Tretyak and D. Klimanov (HSEUniversity)
17.02.2015 Electoral Bargaining in Runoff Elections: A Cooperative Game Theory Analysis and an Application to the French Regional Elections Michel Le Breton (University of Toulouse)
3.02.2015 Structural and dynamic profiling - the search for a universal model from personality typing to population modeling
O. Klepikov (Center for Applied Neuroeconomics and Behavioral Research)
25.12.2014 Tiebout equilibrium in the two-dimensional case C. Sorokin (DeCAn center)
14.05.2014 Optimal Reserve Prices in Asymmetric Auctions V. Topinsky (HSE University, Yandex)
28.04.2014 Rights, Religion, Riviera, and Roma D. Muller (University of Vienna, Austria)
12.12.2013 Solution concepts for TU games with directed cooperation structures A. Khmelnitskaya (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
03.12.2013 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Dynamic and Massive Networks P. Pardalos (HSE University)
28.11.2013 Measuring bargaining power in networks F. Hubert (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
16.09.2013 Analysis of the heterogeneity of the system of Russian higher education.
Fuzzy histogram ranking methods
F. Aleskerov, A. Lepskiy(DeCAn center)
27.06.2013 The role of information in escalating conflicts
C. Sorokin (DeCAn center)
E. Winter (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
17.06.2013 An exact non-cooperative support for the sequential Raiffa solution W. Trockel (Institute of Mathematical Economics at Bielefeld University)
10.06.2013 Generalized matchings: from one to many
The construction of alternative versions of the rating of economic competitiveness of countries of the world using the methods of the social choice theory theory
About representing threshold aggregation rules in the form of scoring rules
Some aggregation rules and their properties
Е. Kalugina, I. Zahlebin, Y. Veselova, S. Shvydun (DeCAn center)
3.06.2013 Axiomatics of the Esteban-Rey polarization index. Application to the Aleskerov-Golubenko index
Software implementation of matrix-vector representation of uncovered and k-stable sets
V. Kostomarov (DeCAn center) 
D. Mirishli and A. Mokhovikov
14.12.2012 Distribution of influence in the International Monetary Fund
Sandro Lucci
28.06.2012 Solving the generalized bankruptcy problem
A. Karpov, S. Yurkov
20.06.2012 Ranking algorithms and their application in Information Retrieval E. Mitichkin, S. Shvydun (DeCAn center) 
26.04.2012 Models and methods of organizational transformation of enterprise information systems
Y. Kupriyanov (HSE University)
19.03.2012 The non-convergence in a two-candidate probabilistic voting model under general candidate payoff functions E. Shomova (HSE University)
6.02.2012 Comparative analysis of weighted sum methods, utility theory and importance theory of criteria for solving multicriteria problems with grading criteria
S. Saltykov
16.01.2012 Modeling the interaction of the owner and his company in the framework of dynamic models of general equilibrium
N. Pilnik
19.12.2011 The non-convergence in a two-candidate probabilistic voting model under general candidate payoff functions C. Sorokin (DeCAn center)
12.12.2011 Games with limited cooperation (according to M. Grabish)
L. Egorova
5.12.2011 Probabilistic preferences in the cumulative theory of prospectuses "and" Problems of assortment analysis and planning"
I. Zutler
24.10.2011 Modeling and optimization of collective management systems V. Protasov
5.09.2011 Preferences on the set of alternatives in voting D. Karabekyan
6.06.2011 Crysis and recovery - the Turkish experience H. Ersel
23.05.2011 Transport routing problems on large-dimensional graphs
S. Chernyshev
16.05.2011 Minkowski metric in probabilistic voting models
A. Zaharov
18.04.2011 Axiomatic justification of the single transferable vote
A. Karpov
11.04.2011 Macroprudential policy and its application in Russia
S. Moiseev
14.03.2011 Generalized models of economic growth D. Veselov
21.02.2011 Theory of rational choice and social sciences
A. Subochev
31.01.2011 Different approaches to modeling uncertainty
A. Lepskiy
27.12.2010 About the work on creating high-tech production of innovative software and hardware systems for the effective management of enterprises and sectors of the economy of modern Russia
F. Aleskerov
29.11.2010 Description of the exchange as a Poisson process
L. Egorova
11.10.2010 Modified equilibrium as a tool for analyzing laboratory markets
R. Yaminov
20.09.2010 The Banks set is an irregular solution in the choice problem on the majority graph. Its properties and calculation algorithm
A. Subochev
21.06.2010 Divisim-agglomerative classification algorithm based on minimax modification of the frequency method
A. Rubchinsky
14.06.2010 Markov selection process for non-transitive probabilistic preferences
I. Zutler
7.06.2010 Features of the single transferable vote
A. Karpov
31.05.2010 Comparative statics in a probabilistic voting model A. Zaharov
17.05.2010 Games on the networks. Overview
K. Pogorelsky
26.04.2010 Biclusterization based on lattices of closed sets: methods and applications
D. Ignatov
19.04.2010 Research and applied research at the Bank of Finland Institute for Transition Economics (BOFIT)
V. Belousova
12.04.2010 Optimization problems in the theory of importance of criteria
V. Podinovskiy
22.03.2010 The degree of manipulability of aggregation procedures in multiple choice conditions
F. Aleskerov
1.03.2010 Shootout Games
D. Il'inskiy
8.02.2010 Influence Indices Based on Participants' Preferences: Theory and Applications
F. Aleskerov, K. Pogorelsky, R. Kamalova
21.12.2009 Alternative Approach to Multiple Likelihood Model Estimates
A. Zaharov
30.11.2009 Analysis of the structure of mathematical concepts in the disciplines taught at the departments of the HSE University B. Mirkin, E. Chernyak
16.11.2009 Influence indices as elements of a projective space
D. Shvarts


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