Winners of International Olympiad in Informatics for High Schoolers Choose to Study at HSE
Two members of the Russian team that took the gold at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2019 were excused from their entrance exams and gained entrance to HSE University. Vladimir Romanov will be enrolling in the Faculty of Computer Science at HSE’s Moscow campus, and Alexander Morozov will be matriculating at the St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science at HSE’s St. Petersburg campus.
Application for HSE Minors is Open
First-year students can select a minor in their personal accounts beginning at 18.00, March 26. HSE is offering a variety of interesting minors this year, so that students can choose the right minor for themselves.
31 Teams from Seven Countries Make It to IDAO Finals
On February 18, the online round of the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) officially finished. The Data analysis competition is organized by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex with the support of Sberbank. This year 1287 teams from 78 countries took part in the online round.
HSE Moves Up 10 Points in THE Emerging Economies Rankings
HSE University has taken 22nd place in THE Emerging Economies Rankings, improving its position from last year. This ranking includes a total of 35 Russian universities, with 18 of them participating in the 5-100 Project.
Apply for Increased Scholarship Competition
HSE is now accepting applications for the competition for increased state academic scholarships for outstanding academic, research, public, cultural, creative or sports achievements. International students on full-tuition Russian government scholarships are eligible to apply.
HSE Decides on New Grading System for Next School Year
The Academic Council has confirmed a new draft of the Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments of Students at the Higher School of Economics.
HSE Joins Two THE Subject Rankings - in Computer Science and Engineering & Technology
For the first time ever, HSE University has entered two THE subject rankings: in Computer Science (in the 301–400 group)and Engineering & Technology (in the 601-800 group). Therefore, HSE has confirmed once again that it is much more than just a specialized social sciences and humanities university, but rather a comprehensive multidisciplinary university, which has become successful in new, innovative areas of natural sciences and engineering.
Effective Development Strategy Helps HSE Climb in THE World University Ranking
HSE has once again climbed the THE World University Ranking and entered the 301 – 350 range, taking 3rd place in Russia after MSU (199) and MIPT (251-300). HSE first appeared in this ranking two years ago and every subsequent year the university has consistently improved its standing.
Computer Science Freshmen Take Home Medals at International Olympiads
On September 2-7, one of the world’s most prestigious programming competitions – the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) – took place in the Japanese city of Tsukuba. Three students from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science took home medals.
DeepBayes 2018: More Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning
The second Summer School on Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods was held in Moscow from August 27 to September 1, this year in English. During 6 days participants were studying and implementing Bayesian methods in neural networks, exchanging their experience and discussing research ideas.