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The Expedition of Students of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology to the Kamchatka Region Within the Framework of the Project 'Discovering Russia anew'

From July 29 to August 9, students of Bachelor's program 'Cell and Molecular Biotechnology' of Biology and Biotechnology Department participated in the student expedition 'Assessment of Biotechnological Potential of Microbiome of Natural Habitats in Kamchatka Region' in the framework of the project 'Discovering Russia Anew'.

From July 29 to August 9, students of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology under the guidance of Deputy Dean, Ph.D. Slobodov S.A. and Associate Professor, Ph.D. Osmolovsky A.A. went on a research expedition to the Kamchatka region in order to study the biotechnological potential of the microbiome of natural habitats in Kamchatka region.
During the expedition students visited the most significant natural sites of Kamchatka Krai and got acquainted with some features of their microbiome, a set of organisms peculiar to one particular place.  Samples of soil, water and sediment for further work were taken in the Lager Coves, Avachinskaya, Verkhne-Paratunskie thermal springs, the Small Valley of Geysers and Gorelyom volcano.
'Small Valley of Geysers, as it seems to me, showed us the most 'visible' and interesting microbial community consortia. First of all, such diversity can be explained by extreme differences in living conditions: maximum temperature of the springs was 97°C, whereas the water in the nearby stream was not warmer than 5°C, acidity and salinity were also radically different. Microorganisms are not inferior in color and morphology: white, green and red - from the course of microbiology we know how much they differ in their metabolism, but still live next to each other,' shares her impressions Sophia Lukashevich.
'In addition to the incredibly beautiful views, the trip to Kamchatka was also memorable as an important scientific experience. Firstly, it was very interesting to see places of microorganisms, which we had seen only on the pictures at the lectures, in real life. Secondly, the experience of working with microbiological preparations in the field will undoubtedly come in handy in the future. Finally, I really hope that during our further research of the collected samples we will be able to discover many new things' - Elizaveta Butova