Tag "online education"
HSE University, VK, and Skillbox Collaborate to Develop Online Education
HSE University and other leading Russian universities have signed a memorandum with VK and Skillbox to develop online learning and remote-education technologies in Russia. The signing took place at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Admissions for HSE University Online Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes Open
Admissions for a number of online programmes start on February 1, 2022. The HSE News Service reports on the programmes and benefits available.
Coursera Offers New Courses by HSE Lecturers
From late March and early April, HSE will offer four new coursers on Coursera on intercultural communication, machine learning, computer vision, and stochastic processes.
HSE Launches Two New Specializations in Computer Science on Coursera
‘Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science’ and ‘Advanced Machine Learning’ are English-language specializations, both created with the support of the top Russian IT firm Yandex, while the specialization ‘Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science’ was developed with the involvement of the University of California at San Diego.