Summary of Degree Programme
10.05.01 Computer Security
5 лет 6 месяцев
Full-time, 330 credits
Instruction in Russian
Specialist in Information Security
With online tools
2024/2025 Academic year
Mathematical Methods of Information Security
Development of Secure Software
2023/2024 Academic year
Mathematical Methods of Information Security
2022/2023 Academic year
Mathematical Methods of Information Security
2021/2022 Academic year
Mathematical methods of information security
Degree Programme 'Cyber Security' is aimed at training researchers, analysts and developers in the field of information security. A feature of the program is the specialization in the mathematical means of information security. This includes both development and application of mathematical models and methods for data protection in information systems for various purposes and development and applying of specialized software or devices.
The base of such training lies in fundamental courses in the fields of mathematics, physics and information technologies. Special courses based on them play crucial role in training and include Modern Technologies of Software Development and Data Processing, Basics of Building Protected Computer Networks, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, Cryptographic Methods of Information Protection and many others.
Classes of those fundamental courses are mostly carried-out by full-time teachers holding academic degrees with extensive experience in teaching. At the same time, classes of special courses are often carried-out by the leading specialists of large companies and government bodies whose main activity is directly connected with information security.
The Degree Programme has partnership agreements with such well-known companies as Kaspersky Lab, the Cybersecurity Department of Sberbank, Grant Thornton and other large companies specializing in information security. These companies invite students of the programme for practical training, internships and full-time work after graduation.
Programme Graduates are most in demand in organizations that are at high risk of various types of fraud which includes banks and financial institutions, as well as in numerous companies involved in the development of information security products, antivirus software, audit companies, IT departments dealing with security of information systems, government bodies and state corporations.
A Programme Graduate is expected to have universal, general professional and professional competencies developed.
The complex of all universal, general professional and professional competencies allows a graduate to carry out professional activities in at least one field or area of professional activity, or to solve problems of professional activity of at least one type established in the educational standard.
Professional competencies are determined by professional standards and by the requirements of potential employers, generalization of leading international practices and by associations of employers in the industry in which graduates are in demand.
The main professional competencies that a graduate must have developed are:
- Ability to develop security models for computer systems.
- Ability to analyze security models of computer systems including the analysis for compliance with domestic and foreign standards in the field of computer security.
- Ability to provide protection for operation systems.
- Ability to provide information security in database management systems.
- Ability to provide information security in computer networks.
- Ability to provide technical, anti-virus, cryptographic protection of information in computer systems.
- Ability to develop design and technical documentation.
- Ability to develop drafts of legal and methodological documents in the field of information security.
- Ability to analyze design solutions to provide the security of computer systems.
- Ability to conduct attestation and certification of the means of information security taking into account the requirements of regulatory and legal acts.
- Ability to conduct instrumental monitoring of technical protection of information and instrumental monitoring of protection against attacks in computer systems.
- Ability to organize the work of a small group of performers (project team).
- Ability to enforce the restricted information protection regime.
- Ability to use (install, commission, test and maintain) applied software and devices and modern specialized software.
- Ability to develop algorithms that implement modern cryptographic methods of information security.
- Ability to assess the effectiveness of cryptographic algorithms for information protection based on the analysis of the mathematical methods they implement.
- Ability to apply mathematical methods to assess the security of computer systems constructing their mathematical models when necessary.
- Ability to make a reasonable choice of software and hardware implementations of cryptographic methods of information protection.
The structure of the Programme includes the following educational modules:
1. Professional module (Major) is a set of cources of the student's main professional training, which forms the basis of future professional activity.
2. The module of disciplines of the general cycle (GCD) is a socio-economic or humanitarian component in a student's education. Its purpose is to develop horizons, master the tools and methods of related sciences and develop critical thinking.
3. Practical module (Practice) forms the competencies of the student, allowing to solve practical problems of the chosen professional activity, including design, research, entrepreneurial, expert and analytical activities.
4. The module of the final attestation (GIA) establishes the compliance of the results of mastering the Programme with the requirements of the educational standard.
Features of the implementation of educational modules
Module 1. Professional module (Major)
The professional module (Major) consists of a main part and an additional part.
The main part includes courses from the fields of knowledge that form the basis of the professional training of the graduate of Programme.
The additional part of the Major includes courses that develop the competencies specific to the Programme. This part can be completely variable or include compulsory and optional disciplines in the ratio determined by the Programme.
The additional part of the Major may include a group of disciplines that are selected by students when mastering the Programme and provide more narrow choice of competencies to create a particular specialization. The list of such specializations is reflected in the Programme documents.
Module 2. Disciplines of the general cycle (GCD)
Within the framework of the module "Disciplines of the General Cycle" compulsory coures in philosophy, history, Safe Living Basics, physical education and sports are implemented.
The size of courses in physical education and sports is 400 academic hours, of which 360 academic hours are practical classes to ensure the physical fitness of students including aspects connected with the future professional activities of a graduate.
The size of the discipline on life safety is 38 academic hours.
Module 3. Practice
This module can include three groups of practices:
• Practices in organizations or in production;
• Project practices;
• Research practices.
The following methods of conducting practices are allowed: stationary and field.
The group of practices in organizations or in industry includes training, productive and other types of practices. The group of project practices includes: student project activities (project, course project), project seminar.
The group of research practices includes: preparation of Final qualification papers (FQPs), written course paper of a research nature, research seminar.
A research seminar is provided for a limited number of students who have chosen a research or expert-analytical area as the main type of future professional activity. Both University employees and invited specialists with experience and significant achievements in the field to which the scientific seminar is focused can be involved in the research seminar.
Within the framework of this module, the preparation of FQP and the practice of one of the groups are mandatory.
Module 4. The Final Attestation
The Final Attestation includes interdisciplinary grade examination and mandatory public presentation of FQP. The preparation of the FQP is carried out within the framework of the Module 3.
An interdisciplinary grade examination is mandatory and is carried out in the 6th year.
This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. There is a specially designed Physical Education course available for such students (Syllabus of the adapted Physical Education course). Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.
All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.
I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.
Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin