"Demoscope Weekly" ## 923 - 924
In the issue:
Population aging in the European Union 2021. Russian healthcare: opinions and trends. Eastern Europe has the worst female health indicators in Europe. "Presidential payouts". Portrait of a modern mom. Labor immigrants in Russia: their contribution, position, and attitudes towards them. Census 2020.
Demographic Review #1 2021
In the issue:
Anatoly Vishnevsky and his demographic system. Excess mortality in Russia on holidays. Body mass index dynamics of Russian men and women: age–period–cohort analysis. The impact of smoking on mortality in Russia in 2019. The gender gap in life expectancy: a review of genetic, social, and value factors. Regional aspects of the dynamics of Russian language use by the population of Belarus in 2009–2019. A retrospective analysis of migration links of a donor region.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 895 - 896
In the issue:
Migration in Russia, preliminary results of 2020. Socio-economic losses of society from the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia. On the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in Europe and Central Asia. Pregnancy rates in the USA drop to historic lows.