
Research Seminar "Research Methods in Finance"
Compulsory course (Finance)
Area of studies:
Finance and Credit
Delivered by:
Department of Finance
1 year, 1-3 module
Mode of studies:
Master’s programme:
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Research seminar for the 1st year Masters in Finance is aimed at the development of students’ research abilities in the broad area of finance, as at the development of academic writing and presentation skills. It consists of four modules. Module 1, «Research Overview», aims at the expanding of students’ knowledge on research philosophy and methods, with the focus on research in economics and finance. Module 2, «Academic Writing”, pursues the development of written communication skills as necessary part of academic career development. These skills include papers planning, structuring, writing and formatting. Module 3, «Research methods in finance», has as a general objective the development of special research methodologies in finance
Learning Objectives
- To know: major areas of studies in finance and the spheres of their implications; key principles and approach to performing research in economic socioeconomic studies; modern methods of empirical studies in finance; main requirements to academic writing;
- To be able to: Formulate the topic, research question and objectives of their research; develop the research programme; choose appropriate methods, modify existing approach or develop new approaches to solve research problems; develop logical and analytical models and create research framework and design; find and formulate good topics in finance; argue their research; structure papers according to the principles of academic writing; use appropriate language constructions; use different sources, including Internet-based sources, for their search of information;
- To demonstrate skills of: independent logical and critical thinking; good timing of research; data analysis and processing; efficient information search; using computer systems of information management (EndNote etc.); appropriate citing; research results presentation; ethical mindset
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To know major areas of studies in finance and the spheres of their implications
- To know key principles and approach to performing research in economic anc social studies
- To formulate the topic, research question and objectives of the research
- To develop the research programme
- To use different sources, including Internet-based sources, for their search of information
- To demonstrate independent logical and critical thinking
- To demonstrate research results presentation
- To demonstrate an ethical mindset
- To know main requirements to academic writing
- To be able to structure papers according to the principles of academic writing
- To be able to use appropriate language constructions
- To be able to argue their research
- To know major areas of studies in finance and the spheres of their implications.
- To know modern methods of empirical studies in finance.
- To be able to choose appropriate methods, modify existing approach or develop new approaches to solve research problems;
- To demonstrate skills of data analysis and processing.
- To develop logical and analytical models and create research framework and design
Course Contents
- Research overviewResearch: objectives and features. Research philosophy. Research topic. Research problem .Literature review. Search strategies. Research methods. Empirical research. Sampling strategies
- Academic WritingHow to create an academic paper: an introduction. The structure of a paper. Literature sources search. How to use sources in the text. Rules of citing. Plagiarism. How to write an abstract, introduction, body and conclusion. Critical writing skills. Planning the paper. Time scheduling
- Research Methods in FinanceModern methods and achievements ih Finance studies. Practical implications of research methods. Qualitative methods in Finance. Experiments in Finance.
Assessment Elements
- Home assignment 1: the review of two papers with different research philosophies
- Home assignment 2: the formulation of the research topic and the research question
- Home assignment 3: development and presentation of the search strategy
- Home assignment 4. Draft Literature review development
- Home assignment 5: research proposal + peer review report development
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (3 module)0.1 * Home assignment 1: the review of two papers with different research philosophies + 0.1 * Home assignment 2: the formulation of the research topic and the research question + 0.15 * Home assignment 3: development and presentation of the search strategy + 0.15 * Home assignment 4. Draft Literature review development + 0.5 * Home assignment 5: research proposal + peer review report development
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Chen, A. H. (2004). Research in Finance (Vol. 1st ed). Amsterdam: JAI Press Inc. Retrieved from
- Wayne C. Booth et al. The Craft of Research (4th ed.). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Academic English: Theoretical and Practical Issues : учеб. пособие / сост. Т.Ю. Мкртчян, М.Г. Науменко ; Южный федеральный университет. - Ростов-на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2018. - 165 с. - ISBN 978-5-9275-2853-0. - Режим доступа:
- Ogden, Jane. Thinking Critically about Research : A Step by Step Approach, Routledge, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central,