
Strategic Management
Compulsory course (International Business and Management Studies)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of Management
3 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
This course provides an introductory overview of formulation and implementation of organizational strategy. Students will learn about fundamental theories and concepts of organizational strategy and develop an understanding of why a coherent strategy is essential to survive in today’s fast-paced business environment. Building on a solid notion of the key issues of Strategic Management, the course explores tools and concepts of external and internal strategic analysis. Case examples complement the learning in this course. After completion of this course, students will be able to discuss strategy development and its implementation, will know internationally recognized terms and concepts of organizational strategy, and will be able to discuss various approaches to its formulation. The focus of the course is on applying concepts and ideas to real-world examples through class lectures and case discussions. All students are expected to read the assigned materials on time and be prepared to offer and defend their suggestions and recommendations. This is principally important for seminars.
Learning Objectives
- This course provides an introductory overview of formulation and implementation of organizational strategy
Expected Learning Outcomes
- apply various tools to evaluate a firm’s competitive advantage
- conduct a thorough analysis of external and internal factors that affect firm performance
- explain the role of strategy, strategic management and strategic leadership in an organization
- plan, reflect on the emergent and distributed aspects of organizational strategy
Assessment Elements
- QuizzesThere will be ten 10-minute quizzes as listed in the class schedule. Questions will be based on the textbook and lectures. Quizzes will be administered via the Learning Management System, in paper, or in any other acceptable way decided by instructors. during lectures. Each quiz will consist of 10 questions. A quizz will account for 2% of the final grade. There is no quiz make-up policy.
- Case write-up or a projectThe Consulting Project is the culmination of the course and provides the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in the real world. The host organization identifies an important strategy issue it would like investigated, provide data, guidance, and support A team of five students then work for several weeks to analyze the issues and generate recommendations regarding host company strategy development. The project report and presentation include complete strategic reviews, benchmarking and best practice analysis, new market strategies – in short, management assignments of all types.
- ParticipationContinuous participation and contribution are rewarded in this course. Participation will be graded based on your contribution to case discussion during the seminars. The expectation is that you take a leading role in the discussion, challenge or support each other’s views. There are no simple yes/no answers, the comments should reflect your thinking about the issue discussed in the case. Repeating someone else’s point will not be counted towards your participation grade.
- examsThere will be three multiple choice and true/false questions exams consisting of 50 questions each. Collectively, they will account for 45% of the final grade. The final exam is NOT cumulative. Once you start an exam, you will have one hour to complete it. Each exam will be administered via the Learning Management System (LMS). If you cannot take it during the specified time due to exceptional circumstances, general HSE make-up policy will apply
Interim Assessment
- 2021/2022 4th module0.2 * Case write-up or a project + 0.2 * Quizzes + 0.15 * Participation + 0.45 * exams
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, & Robert E. Hoskisson. (2016). Strategic Management: Concepts: Competitiveness and Globalization, Edition 12. Cengage Learning.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Frank Rothaermel. (2020). ISE EBook Online Access for Strategic Management: Vol. Fifth edition. McGraw Hill.