
Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
Compulsory course (Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems)
Area of studies:
Infocommunication Technologies and Systems
Delivered by:
School of Electronic Engineering
1 year, 2 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
Online hours:
Open to:
students of one campus
Ilya Ivanov
Master’s programme:
Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
In the last decade the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has slowly but steadily and increasingly permeated what researchers and engineers study and build. The term “Internet of Things” doesn’t have a single definition and people today often use it to interchangeably refer to Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Web of Things (WoT) and other concepts. The focus of this course is to learn about these technologies that will be extending the Internet as we know it and use it today, to interconnect not only people and computers but also sensors and associated objects. The course will be divided into two strongly coupled parts. The first part of the course covers the IoT ‘pillar’ technologies, i.e. embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, semantic technologies, and theory behind them while the second part will have a special focus on IoT development, i.e. IoT apps, open platforms, sensors and actuators, software/middleware. Apart from covering the theory behind the IoT and “how to connect things to the Internet”, the course will therefore also engage the students to demonstrate the feasibility of simple IoT real applications and will challenge them to improve their applications through the use of cognitive technologies and cloud computing.
Learning Objectives
- Knowledge Understand IoT paradigm and IoT enabling technologies. Skill Programming the state-of-the-art IoT platform. Use cloud services for collecting, storing and processing IoT data. Experience Become familiar with the software and hardware supporting the IoT. Ability to work with research literature on IoT.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- the course will therefore also engage the students to demonstrate the feasibility of simple IoT real applications and will challenge them to improve their applications through the use of cognitive technologies and cloud computing.
- The focus of this course is to learn about these technologies that will be extending the Internet as we know it and use it today, to interconnect not only people and computers but also sensors and associated objects.
- Theory behind them while the second part will have a special focus on IoT development, i.e. IoT apps, open platforms, sensors and actuators, software/middleware.
Course Contents
- Data Management. Semantic technologies and cloud computing. Hardware platforms. . Software platforms and services.
- What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Introduction to IoT. Smart devices, sensors and actuators. WSN, M2M and RFID. Power management and energy harvesting.
- Privacy and security. Applications and standardization.
Assessment Elements
- Эссе
- Тест/Викторина
- Командный проект
- Домашние задания3 (unsatisfactory): At least 40% of the required volume of regular tasks has been completed correctly (as well as when solving tasks/ tasks in specialized software). Incorrect answers to the questions of the teacher (students) are given, there are no additions to the answers of students (as well as when solving problems). The student does not orient himself in the sections of the topics under consideration (the topic under consideration within the framework of one lesson). Can't give examples. The student is not able to solve standard tasks on the subject of the control element. There are numerous and/or gross errors in the answers and solutions. 2 (unsatisfactory): At least 30% of the required volume of regular tasks has been completed correctly (as well as when solving tasks/ tasks in specialized software). Incorrect answers are given (or they are missing) to the questions of the teacher (students), there are no additions to the answers of students (as well as when solving problems). The student is completely disoriented in the sections of the topics under consideration (the topic under consideration within the framework of one lesson). Can't give examples. The student is not able to solve standard tasks on the subject of the control element. There are numerous and/or gross errors in the answers and solutions. 1 (unsatisfactory): Less than 20% of the required volume of regular tasks has been completed correctly (as well as when solving tasks/tasks in specialized software). There are no answers to the questions of the teacher (students), there are no additions to the answers of students (as well as when solving problems). The student has no idea about any section placed on the control element. Can't give examples. The student is not able to solve standard tasks on the subject of the control element. 0 (a sign of disciplinary misconduct): Attempts to cheat, receive hints when answering questions and solving tasks, violation of ethics and academic norms.
Interim Assessment
- 2021/2022 2nd module0.25 * Эссе + 0.3 * Тест/Викторина + 0.2 * Домашние задания + 0.25 * Командный проект
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Cirani, S., Ferrari, G., Picone, M., & Veltri, L. (2019). Internet of Things : Architectures, Protocols and Standards (Vol. First edition). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Javed, A. (2016). Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things : Experiments with Real-World Applications. [United State]: Apress. Retrieved from
- Mendez, D. M., Papapanagiotou, I., & Yang, B. (2017). Internet of Things: Survey on Security and Privacy.