
Strategic Management
Compulsory course (International Bachelor's in Business and Economics)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of Management
3 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
This course provides an overview of the base of strategic management. Students learn to use strategic analysis tools to estimate the strategic position of the organization and making strategic choices. This course is intended to know concepts of strategic management and understand how businesses become successful by leveraging their competitive advantages.The course invites students with terms and concepts of strategic management, so that they can be used in future work. The course exposes students to the theories, principles, and practices that are important for successful Strategic Management of organizations today. Topics include theory of strategic management, the concept of strategies and the tools of strategic analysis, concept of business models and different levels of strategies (corporate strategy, business strategy and functional strategies). Students develop appreciation for different aspects of the strategic management and the challenging tasks and roles of managers at different levels of organizations.
Learning Objectives
- To gain an understanding of the key concepts and frameworks that underpin strategic management.
- To develop analytical skills that enable the assessment of both internal and external business environments.
- To apply strategic tools in order to formulate, implement and evaluate business strategies.
- To enhance strategic decision-making capabilities through the use of case studies and experiential learning.
- To foster teamwork and communication skills through the medium of collaborative work.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Learn how to detect the main tendencies of the Strategic Management development
- Reflect on basics and advanced ways to strategically manage of the organization
- Study elements of the organization structure and management systems
- Identify practices of effective business strategy and the corporate strategy
- Explain approaches to the quest for competitive advantage
- Locate, read, and critique literature around Strategic Management published in current scholarly journals, professional magazines, analytical reports, and other reliable sources
- Communicate and collaborate with people from different religious, cultural, linguistic, professional, and educational backgrounds.
- • Apply their knowledge to analyze problems and cases related to Strategic Management of organizations internationally
- Learn how to use the tools of strategy analysis
- Formulate strategies and business-models
Course Contents
- Strategic thinking.
- External analysis.
- Industry and sector analysis.
- Resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
- Purpose and stakeholders.
- Culture and strategy.
- Business strategy.
- Corporate Strategy.
- International Strategies.
- Entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Mergers, acquisitions and alliances.
- The practice of strategy.
- Monitoring and evaluating strategies.
- Strategy implementation.
- Crisis transformation strategies.
- Strategic change management.
Assessment Elements
- ExamExam: This is one or multiple-choice, yes/no, fill in the blanks, matching, true/false, correct order type of exam given in an electronic format during the final week. The exam includes key concepts of the course. The exam consists of 40 questions and lasts 40 minutes. The correct answer to each question is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points for this exam is 40. The number of points scored by each student is divided by 4 to get a grade on the 10-point scale. To take the exam, students must show their student ID/password. During the exam, students must keep brightness of the phone/computer screen at 100%. At the end of the exam, students are required to demonstrate their browsing history on the computer they used to take the exam. During the exam, students are not allowed to (1) use any sources other than those permitted by the instructors, including any other programs on the cell phone/computer, (2) leave the classroom and come back, (3) share questions and answers with others, (4) use incognito browser mode or any other method that hides the query history in the browser. Those who violate these or other classroom policies receive a grade of “0” for the exam. Note #1: Exam grades do not block current results. Note #2: If a student is late for the exam, the student is allowed in but no additional time is given. Note #3: Instructors will be applying the following rounding approach: The results are rounded to the closest whole number (e.g., 3.1-3.49 are rounded to 3, and 3.5-3.9 to 4). Rounding is used for calculating the final grades of the whole course only.
- Midterm testThis is one or multiple-choice, yes/no, fill in the blanks, matching, true/false, correct order type of test given in an electronic format on the 8th seminar of the course. The midterm test consists of 30 questions. The midterm test includes material included in class activities (lectures, seminars, homework) and in the textbook prior to it. The correct answer to each question is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points for the midterm test is 30. Students complete the midterm test individually. Students have 30 minutes to complete the midterm test. The number of points scored by each student is divided by 3 to get a grade on the 10-point scale. To take the midterm test students must show their student ID/password. During the midterm test, students must keep the brightness of the phone/computer screen at 100%. At the end of the midterm test, students are required to demonstrate their browsing history on the computer they used to take the test. During the midterm test, students are not allowed to (1) use any sources other than those permitted by the instructors, including any other programs on the cell phone/computer, (2) leave the classroom and come back, (3) share questions and answers with others, (4) use incognito browser mode or any other method that hides the query history in the browser. Those who violate these or other classroom policies receive a grade of “0” for the midterm test.
- QuizQuizzes: This is one or multiple-choice, yes/no, fill in the blanks, matching, true/false, correct order type of quiz given in an electronic format. The quiz consists of 10 questions. The quiz includes material included in class activities (lectures, seminars, homework) and in the textbook prior to the quiz. The correct answer to each question is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points for the quiz is 10. Students complete the quiz individually. Students have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. This is a “popup” quiz: The quiz will be administered during a seminar, but the exact date will not be announced, so students should be diligent in completing homework, readings, and other assignments.
- ClassworkClasswork includes group and individual seminar grades, and a variety of individual and group assignments given to complete at home. Some classwork will be checked in class during seminars; some assignments will be submitted online and graded by the instructor. Class participation refers to in-class work and discussion during seminars of a variety of topics, issues, readings, and individual and group assignments, individual answers. Assignments completed in teams are evaluated based on the number of points per team. “N*M=number of points for distribution among team members”, where N is the number of points based on 10 points scale and according to assessment criteria and M number of students in particular team. The distribution of points among team members is the responsibility of the team itself. If points are not allocated within the specified timeframe, they will be divided equally among all team members. Assignments must be completed in English language only. Assignments completed in any other language are not accepted. Note #1: According to paragraphs 17 and 29 of POPATKUS, it is not possible to retake the control elements of classroom activities and lecture activity. Note #2: Course assignments must be submitted in the language in which the course is taught, which is English. Note #3: The classroom door closes 15 minutes after the class starts. Note #4: Students are eligible to get credit for a class activity, quiz, assignment or lecture activity only if they attend the seminar/lecture (unless specified otherwise by the instructors). Note #5: Late work is not accepted. Note #6: No extra credit assignments are provided for missed classes. Note #7: All communication regarding the course and within the course will be conducted in the language of instruction, which is English. The official means of communication with the lecturer and other instructors will be through the corporate email system only. Note #8: When using generative models, such as Chat-GPT or any other, students should declare it in the submitted document and clearly state and describe the purpose of their use of this tool, indicating the specific pages or lines where the tool was used. Note #9: When using sources (e.g., books, journal or newspaper articles, the course textbook, companies’ reports or websites, movies, or any other materials written or created by other people) students must cite these sources using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th or 7th edition. This style is a common style required by many courses and programs worldwide. Information about the APA style is available via many of online resources. For example, • The American Psychological Association available at • “Academic writing and referencing manual for students studying for a degree in “Strategic Management” available at Management/kursovaia • Purdue OWL available at Therefore, PPTs, posters, videos, or any other deliverables that were created using other people’s ideas must refer to these people’s work. For example, in a PPT, students must cite sources in the slides and in References (in APA style).
- Lecture activityThe lecture activity includes individual results for the answers to the lecture quizzes. is used for the lecture, but the lecturer can use other software for the lecture. This is a one or multiple choice, yes/no, choose answer, short answer, match pairs, correct order, categorise or gather opinions (poll, open ended, word cloud, scales, brainstorm) quiz given in online format. The lecture consists of a series of 4-6 questions which are marked according to the speed and accuracy of the answers. Students can be offered other forms of activities during the lecture. The maximum score for a lecture is equal to the maximum score for correct answers in each half-stream. Correct answers of all students are taken into account. At the end of the course, all received points are summed up and ranked among the students of each half-stream: the student with the highest sum of points receives 10. The grades of the other students are calculated according to the proportion of the highest sum of points from 10 to 0 without rounding.
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 4th module0.2 * Classwork + 0.3 * Exam + 0.1 * Lecture activity + 0.2 * Midterm test + 0.2 * Quiz
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Exploring strategy : text and cases, Johnson, G., 2017
- Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary Strategy Analysis (Vol. Text, Ninth edition). Chichester: Wiley. Retrieved from
- Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D., & Regnér, P. (2017). Exploring Strategy (Vol. Eleventh edition). Harlow, England: Pearson Education. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- 9780429949555 - Olivier de Bandt, Francoise Drumetz, Christian Pfister - Preparing for the Next Financial Crisis - 2020 - Routledge - - nlebk - 2689695
- Contemporary strategy analysis, Grant, R.M., 2022
- Crisis management : leading in the new strategy landscape, Crandall, W. R., 2014
- Emerging Indian multinationals: strategic players in a multipolar world, , 2016
- Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary Strategy Analysis : Text and Cases: Vol. Text and Cases, Ninth edition. Wiley.
- Johnson, G. (2013). Exploring Strategy Text & Cases: Vol. 10th edition. Pearson.
- The black swan : the impact of the highly improbable, Taleb, N. N., 2010
- Zattoni, A., & Pugliese, A. (2021). Corporate Governance Research in the Wake of a Systemic Crisis: Lessons and Opportunities from the COVID‐19 Pandemic. Journal of Management Studies (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 58(5), 1405–1410.