
Second Foreign Language (Portuguese)
Elective course (Political Science and World Politics)
Area of studies:
Political Science
Delivered by:
Department of Foreign Languages
3 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course is aimed at students acquiring basic knowledge and competences of the modern Portuguese language, including phonetics, graphics, normative grammar and vocabulary in the amount provided by the course.
Learning Objectives
- To demonstrate skills in the field, other than the major field.
- To conduct professional activities internationally.
- To report the results of the information retrieval and analysis, academic or applied research she/he has conducted: - in various genres (including reviews, policy papers, reports and publications pertaining to socio-political subject matter); - and depending on the target audience.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Able to learn and demonstrate skills in the field, other than the major field
- Student is capable of reporting the results of the information retrieval and analysis, academic or applied research she/he has conducted: - in various genres (including reviews, policy papers, reports and publications pertaining to socio-political subject matter); - and depending on the target audience
- Able to conduct professional activities internationally
Course Contents
- General information about the Portuguese language and the countries speaking it. Portuguese alphabet
- Portuguese phonetics (part 1). Stress in the words ending in vowels. Accent marks in Portuguese. Greetings.
- Meeting a new person
- Portuguese phonetics (part 2). Verb "ser" (to be) and its usage with professions and nationalities.
- Gender of the Portuguese nouns (part 1). Definite articles and their plural forms. Plural form of the nouns and adjectives ending in vowels. Prepositions "a", "de" and "em" and their contractions with the definite articles.
- Presenting a new person. The verb "estar" and its usage. Portuguese phonetics (part 3).
- Unit 1 (test). Tag questions in Portuguese.
- Portuguese phonetics (part 4). Stress in the words ending in consonants.
- Personal pronouns in Portuguese. Contractions of prepositions "de" and "em" with personal pronouns. Question words (part 1).
- Portuguese phonetics (part 5). Indefinite articles. Cardinal numbers 0-20. How to say your phone number in Portuguese.
- Feminine gender of the Portuguese adjectives. The verb "ter" (to have) and its usage. Asking about one's age.
- Alternative questions. Colours. Describing oneself and people around
- Demonstrative pronouns and adverbs of place. Conjugation of regular verbs ending in -ar in the Present Tense.
- Filling out a visa application form (personal information)
- Unit 2 (test). Revision (Units 1 and 2)
- Modular Test 1
- Portuguese phonetics (part 6). Stress in the words ending in -ã, -em, -im, -om, -um.
- The differences between the verbs "ser" and "estar". Portuguese locatives. Description of a room (part 1).
- Adjectives bom (good) e mau (bad) and adverbs bem (well) и mal (badly). Gender of the Portuguese nouns (part 2). Plural form of the nouns and adjectives ending in –m.
- Possessive pronouns. The verbal periphrasis "estar+a+infinitivo". The usage of the verb "estar" to describe weather, emotions and temporary states.
- Impersonal structure with the verb "há". Conjugation of regular verbs ending in -er in the Present Tense.
- Cardinal numbers 21-100. Days of the week and dates. Food.
- Unit 3 (test). Portuguese phonetics (part 7).
- Portuguese phonetics (part 8). Stress in the words ending in -ão, -ães, -õe, -am и -em. Plural form of the nouns ending in -ão. Feminine form of the adjectives ending in –ão.
- A test on phonetics. The usage of ter+que+infinitivo and ter+de+infinitivo.
- The usage of the verb "haver" when talking about time. Question words (part 2). Asking "What time is it now?" in Portuguese.
- Unit 4 (test). Expressing gratitude, apologizing, asking for permission and favor.
- Conjugation of regular verbs ending in -ir in the Present Tense. The usage of muito and pouco.
- Conjugation of the verb "ir" (to go). The verbal periphrasis "ir+infinitivo" (to talk about near future). Collocations with the verb "ir".
- Arithmetic operations. Ordinal numbers up to 10. Adverbs of time.
- The usage of repositions "a", "de", "em" and "para" to talk about time. Describing one's working week.
- Talking on the phone. Unit 5 (revision).
- Unit 5 (test). Conjugation of the verbs ending in -ear in the Present Tense.
- Conjugation of irregular verbs in the Present Tense (part 1). Preposition "por" and its usage. The verbal periphrases "começar+a+infinitivo" and "acabar+de+infinitivo".
- Revision (Units 3-5).
- Modular test 2
- Seasons of the year. National holidays in Portugal and Russia. Writing a Christmas card.
- Unit 6 (test). Writing a letter to a friend. Portuguese addresses.
- Conjugation of the verb "fazer" (to do) in the Present Tense. Collocations with the verb "fazer". Conjugation of the verb "pôr" (to put) in the Present Tense
- The usage of todo and tudo. Ordinal numbers up to 100.
- Reflexive verbs and their conjugation in the Present Tense.
- Describing one's day.
- An interview.
- Revision (Unit 7)
- Unit 7 (test).
- Conjugation of irregular verbs in the Present Tense (part 2).
- The verbal periphrasis "haver+infinitivo". The usage of a definite article as a pronoun (when the noun is repeated).
- Comparative adjectives.
- Superlative adjectives.
- Describing people's appearance. Describing a family.
- Unit 8 (test). Asking for directions.
- The route to the university.
- The past participle. The passive voice. Conjugation of irregular verbs in the Present Tense (part 3).
- My studies. Arriving late to a lesson.
- Unit 9 (test). Revision (Units 6-9).
- Modular Test 3
Assessment Elements
- Modular gradeStudents’ progress will be measured by final exam. The final grade includes 60% of the modular grades (3 modular) and 40% of final exam. The modular grade consists of homework assignments and class participation (60% of the modular grade), checking tests and modular test (40% of the modular grade). The interim exam includes written test (50%) oral part as monologue (30%) and oral part as dialogue (20%). The final exam includes written test (40%) oral part as monologue (30%) and oral part as dialogue (30%).
- Final ExamThe final exam includes written test (40%) oral part as monologue (30%) and oral part as dialogue (30%).
Interim Assessment
- 2022/2023 4th module0.4 * Final Exam + 0.6 * Modular grade
- 2023/2024 2nd module0.4 * Final Exam + 0.6 * Modular grade
- 2023/2024 4th module0.4 * Final Exam + 0.6 * Modular grade
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Ackerlind, S. R., & Jones-Kellogg, R. (2011). Portuguese : A Reference Manual (Vol. 1st ed). Austin: University of Texas Press. Retrieved from
- Hutchinson, A. P., Lloyd, J., & Sousa, M. C. M. dos S. (2019). Portuguese : An Essential Grammar (Vol. Third edition). New York, NY: Routledge. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Azevedo, M. M. (2005). Portuguese : A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
- Burridge, J. T. (2009). Portuguese. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from
- Denise Coronha Lima. (2015). Power Portuguese. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Jaguatirica. Retrieved from
- Keller, K. (2013). Portuguese For Dummies (Vol. 2nd ed). New York: For Dummies. Retrieved from
- Sampaio, J., & McIntyre, B. (2014). Colloquial Portuguese : A Complete Language Course (Vol. 2nd ed). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
- Sousa, M. C. M. dos S. (2014). Basic Portuguese : A Grammar and Workbook. New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
- Tait, N. de O., & Lexus (Firm). (2006). Portuguese (Vol. Updated ed). London: Penguin Random House LLC. Retrieved from
- Tait, N. de O., & Lexus (Firm). (2011). Portuguese (Vol. Updated ed). London: Rough Guides. Retrieved from
- Zancanaro, A., & Domingues, M. J. C. de S. (2018). Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Teaching Portuguese for Foreigners: A Case Study. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(2), 4–20. Retrieved from