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  • Student Theses
  • The ROK's Participation in the Vietnam War of 1964-1973 and Its Impact on the Republic of Korea's Relations with the SRV in the XXI Century

The ROK's Participation in the Vietnam War of 1964-1973 and Its Impact on the Republic of Korea's Relations with the SRV in the XXI Century

Student: Bui thi khanh huyen -

Supervisor: En Un Kim

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Asian Studies (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Throughout Vietnam War of 1964–1973, the Republic of Korea (ROK) distinguished itself as the most active participant in the “More Flags” campaign, executing numerous appalling massacres of innocent Vietnamese civilians. Notwithstanding, the truth about the aggressive crimes committed by Korean mercenaries remains hidden in K-drama, and it is substituted by the portrayal of returning soldiers receiving veneration as national heroes. Along with that, many contemporary studies predominantly concentrate on delineating the incentives for engagement in the conflict or are limited to revealing war crimes attributed to Korean soldiers on Vietnam’s territory. Consequently, this study aims to provide a in-depth analysis of the entire course of the ROK’s military engagement in this invasion, encompassing historical background, causes, motives and roles of South Korean military units. Furthermore, this paper will attempt to explore the impacts of the ROK’s involvement in Vietnam War on the South Korea-Vietnam bilateral relations in the 21st century. Also, a historical research design involving archival research and comparative analysis will be employed in this study. The findings might contribute to an enhanced understanding of the relationship between both countries. Keywords: Vietnam War, Republic of Korea, war crimes, South Korea-Vietnam relations

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