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Retakes are organized in accordance with the Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments (part VIII).

Information on retakes is also available in the HSE Academic Handbook at the link.


Retakes are held during the following periods:

for modules 1-2: from the start of module 3 till February 15

for modules 3-4: from the start of module 1 till October 15


  • The retakes schedule is displayed at RUZ and the Timetable section of the EP website and students are responsible for following it up.
  • Students are responsible for inquiring about the results of their interim assessment results. Not knowing one’s interim results shall not relieve a student from his/her responsibility and may not serve as a valid excuse for missing retakes or failing to meet the deadlines for filing appeals. 
  • The retakes for MAGOLEGO courses (courses from other educational programmes) are scheduled by the study office of the correspondiing EP. Students who have an academic failure in a MAGOLEGO course are responsible for inquiring about the retakes dates and submitting it to the study office administrator Alina Zhukova (aazhukova@hse.ru).
  • Retakes Procedures and Timeline

    The timetable can show you three categories of retakes:

    • retake for valid reason (in Russian: Пересдача для пропустивших экзамен по уважительной причине) is a date of retake for those students who missed their exam at exam week for confirmed valid reason,
    • retake (in Russian: Пересдача) is a date of retake for all students (for those who failed their exam at exam week and at retake for valid reason),
    • retake commission (in Russian: Пересдача комиссии)
    1. Students with academic failure and absent for non-valid reason

    Participate in the first and in the second retake.

    After the first retake, students with one or two failed assignments have the following options:

    • opt for the second retake within the ongoing retake period (referred to as the "standard option");
    • choose not to participate in the second retake and postpone it, requesting to repeat the course: to reattend it, undergo all assessment elements, and then proceed to the second retake, which would be the last remaining opportunity to pass the final assessment for this course.

    If after all retakes at least one failed assignment remains unresolved, the student will face dismissal from the University due to academic failure.

    2. Students absent for a valid reason

    1) If the final grade is unsatisfactory. Students are appointed an examination on the date of the first retake. If examination results are unsatisfactory and students are not to be dismissed from the University due to academic failure, an extra date will be appointed for the first retake, and then students can participate in the second retake according to the algorithm in section 1.

    2) If the final grade is 4 and above. If a student wants to have an examination and change their grade, they have to apply for it via the online-form of the Student Service Centre.

    3. Schedule Conflicts

    In the event of a significant conflict between the retake timetable and the class or other retake schedule, students may request to explore potential options for rescheduling retakes within the established retake period via the online-form of the Student Service Centre.

  • Theses Topics (Retakes Period)

    Students who failed to submit their thesis topics in November are to do it during the retakes period no later than February 10. Topics must be submitted via the LMS module "Paper/Thesis Topics" and approved by the thesis supervisor and programme academic supervisor.

    Students who fail to submit their thesis topics in the due time are to be expelled from the HSE University for academic failure.