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Elective Courses

Master's programmes study plans include two types of elective courses:

- elective courses of the Major module (cover the programme's field of study);

- MAGOLEGO courses from other master's programmes.


Elective courses campaign takes place twice a year: for modules 1-2 and for modules 3-4. We strongly recommend you to read the following information:

- EEP Study Plans

- Master's Programmes Curricula Structure

- Elective Courses: General Information

Regulations on Planning and Organizing Electives and Optional Courses

  • Elective Courses Campaign for modules 3-4 24/25: DECEMBER 12-19

    Please carefully look through the study plan requirements below. It is necessary to access the SmartWay via PC, mobile devices are not supported.

    Timeline: https://electives.hse.ru/en/kpv/

    Instructions: https://electives.hse.ru/en/sw/

    General questions regarding elective courses can be addressed at the Trajectory Service Centre Support, in case of technical problems contact SmartWay support after the start of the campaign.

    PREVIEW (10:50 DECEMBER 12 - 10:00 DECEMBER 13)

    The SmartWay will be opened for preview. Look through the list of available courses, schedule, specifications, whether a course implies any selection and what are the selection rules. We recommend making a short list of courses you would like to sign up for, if some of them imply selection that includes submitting task papers – prepare them as well.


    You select Major Electives. You will also be able to select Open Optional courses that are free for all students. 

    NB Wait for the results: for courses with no additional selection your application will be processed in up to 30 minutes; for courses with competitive selection your application will be reviewed b a professor, you will see the results before the next selection round.

    Important: The MagoLego courses will avilable for application only during the second selection round!


    Master's students are able to select MagoLego courses

    Your main goal for this stage - select timeslots for all courses starting in the 3rd and 4th modules. 

    You should select time slots - groups in which you will attend lectures and seminars. Students themselves are responsible for schedule overlaps. 

    ! If you do not select any time slots for a course you have selected during the first selection round–your application for this course will be automatically withdrawn. 

    During the second selection round you also may 

    • change your selection – withdraw applications submitted during the first round. 

    • submit applications for courses with vacant places. In this case, you can only submit course and time slot applications together. 


    The study office will inform you when all chosen courses and time slots will be added to your study plans. After that please check your personal schedule, LMS gradebook and the list of courses in SmartLMS. If there are any mistakes, you can inform the study office via the online-form no later than December 30. If there are no comments from you, your study plan will be considered completed and correct.

  • What to select during the elective campaign in December

    Applied Economics
    Research in Economics
  • NB!

    • Students can replace or remove a course from their curriculum if no more than 10 (ten) working days have passed after the start of the respective course. For MOOC-courses the 1st day of the respective module is considered as the start of the course.
    • If you do not participate in the elective campaign in SmartWay and do not compose your ctudy plan and schedule yourself, it will be only possible for you to enrol on the courses with places available. If a student does not select courses via any means, the courses for such a student may be assigned by the academic supervisor of the programme.
    • All courses included in your study plan are considered obligatory (with the exception of Open Optional Courses). You can find the list of courses you are to study and take an exam in this year/module in your Grade Book in LMS. Please pay special attention to this matter and correct your study plan in time.


  • Changes to Individual Study Plan

    Courses Information

    Information on Major elective courses (duration, modules, amount of credits etc.) can be found in EP study plans and in syllabi.

    Change/Select/Drop Major Electives or MagoLego

    1) List of courses available

    2) Leave an application to enrol at or cancel a course via online form

    You can check a course's schedule at RUZ (available only in HSE corporate network) by entering the title of Lecture or Seminar (eg: М_ОЭП_П_403544_1) from the List of courses available in the field GROUP.