Tag "HSE guests"
Boosting National Economy: The Role of Government
On February 10, Dr. Choong-Yong Ahn, Distinguished Professor of Economics of the Graduate School of International Studies (Chung-Ang University, Seoul) will take part in an online meeting of the Economic Policy Discussion Club organized by HSE University. He will talk about Korea’s economic development and the country’s astonishingly rapid and effective industrialization. Dr Ahn has spoken with HSE News Service about factors that have contributed to Korea’s success and the role of government in steering the Korean economy.
Out of the Ivory Tower: From Academic Economics to Policymaking
What issues can modern economics help address? How can economists shape government policies? What languages should an economist speak? These are some of the questions Professor Alain Paquet of the University of Quebec at Montreal will talk about at the upcoming meeting of the Discussion Club on Modern Economic Policy hosted by HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Science on November 11. The News Service has talked to Professor Paquet ahead of the lecture.