Tag "Invitation to participate"
Call for applications started on August 26, 2024
Call for applications for the Spring 2025 semester at the University-wide level has started.

13th LaBS International Banking Workshop "Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities": call for papers
We are happy to announce that the Laboratory for Banking Studies (LaBS HSE) organizes the 13th Annual LaBS Banking Workshop "Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities". The workshop will be held on Friday, November 1st , 2024, at the HSE University, Moscow and online. Submission deadline is September 10th , 2024.

HSE University Announces Four Master’s Degrees on Coursera
Degrees in business, technology, and data science will enable students around the world to prepare for the jobs of tomorrow. HSE University and Coursera today announced four new online degree programmes at global higher education conference, eSTARS. With upcoming English-language master’s programmes in business analytics, computer vision, data and network analytics, and finance, HSE now has five fully online degrees on the Coursera platform.