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Practical Training

Practical training of students is a form of organizing educational activities in the process of mastering an educational program under the conditions of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities and aimed at developing, consolidating, and improving practical skills and competencies in the field of the corresponding educational program. The achievement of the goals and objectives of practical training is carried out through the implementation of elements of practical training (EPT). The implementation of practical training for students of HSE is provided in the module of the educational plan of the educational program "Practice".

The procedure for organizing and conducting the EPT for HSE students is regulated by the Regulations on the practical training of students of the main educational programs of higher education - bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs of HSE University.

Elements of practical training

The program "Management of research, development and innovation in the company" provides for the following elements of practical training:

Conducting courseName of EPTAmount of creditsDates
First course Research project, application or service2 credits(56 a.h.)September - May
First course Research seminar "Modern problems of innovation"12 credits(456 a.h.)September - May
First course Coursework6 credits(228 a.h)December - June
Second courseProject seminar "Innovative project workshop"6 credits(228 a.h)September - December
Second courseWork practice8 credits(304 a.h)January-February
Second courseResearch seminar "Modern problems of innovation"4 credits(152 a.h)January-March
Second courseFinal qualifying work - master's thesis (preparation and defense20 credits(760 a.h)December - June

Features of the implementation of Practical training.

The implementation of the elements of practical training of the educational program "Management of research, development and innovation in the company" takes place in accordance with the Practical Training Program:

Practical training program of the EP "Management of research, development and innovation in the company"
Guidelines for the preparation of WRC 2022-2023