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Tag "students"

Illustration for news: HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science Teams Win ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest

HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science Teams Win ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest

On April 14–19, 2024, two finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place in Luxor (Egypt). The teams from HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science became world champions in the 47th ICPC final and received gold medals in the 46th final.

Illustration for news: Fall into ML: Autumn School and Conference on Machine Learning Held at HSE University

Fall into ML: Autumn School and Conference on Machine Learning Held at HSE University

On November 1st-3rd, 2022 the International Laboratory of Stochastic Algorithms and High-Dimensional Inference of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis with the support of HSE AI Centre and the Russian Science Foundation organized the first autumn school and conference on artificial intelligence ‘Fall into ML’. The new format of the event included a school for students and young researchers.

Illustration for news: Student Research Paper Competition 2022 Now Open at HSE University

Student Research Paper Competition 2022 Now Open at HSE University

The start of a new academic year is an excellent time to plan the next steps in your academic career. On September 1, HSE University announced the start of its annual Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC-2022). Participation is open to students of Russian and international universities and to 2022 graduates. Last year, a total of 2,196 papers were submitted to the SRPC, of which 435 were from external participants.

Illustration for news: Student Research Paper Competition 2021 Kicks Off at HSE University

Student Research Paper Competition 2021 Kicks Off at HSE University

The annual HSE Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC) helps young researchers try their hand in a real academic competition, where leading experts and professionals from HSE University assess their research papers. This year, participation will be open from September 1 to October 15.

Illustration for news: ‘One Year of Combined-Track Studies Expands Students’ Research Horizons’

‘One Year of Combined-Track Studies Expands Students’ Research Horizons’

HSE University continues to develop its new study format for students embarking on a research career: the Combined Master's-PhD track. This year, there will be 75 places for Master’s students on the track—two thirds more than last year. HSE Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin talks about the appeal of the combined-track option, how to enrol, and the achievements of last year’s applicants.

Illustration for news: HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.