
Academic appendix

A Ivanov

Selling and purchasing goods by means of an auction: identification of specificity

2009. No. 2. P. 2–10 [issue contents]
The following article focuses on identifying the specific features of an auction, organized in order to purchase certain goods (the buyer’s auction). The mentioned features cast doubt on the possibility of using auctions as an effective tool for state procurements. Among the listed dangers are inevitable purchase of less preferable goods (which is possible in case of buying heterogeneous wares) and multiple stimuli for dumping and suppliers’ collusion.
Citation: Ivanov A E (2009) Prodazha i priobretenie tovarov putem auktsiona: identifikatsiya spetsifichnosti [Selling and purchasing goods by means of an auction: identification of specificity] Academic appendix, 2, pp. 2-10 (in Russian)
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