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Tag "monitoring studies"

Creating 'Users' and Studying 'Non-users' of Technologies

The social sciences and the humanities are beginning to play an increasing role in technology and innovation studies: it becomes obvious that the long-term social effects of scientific and technological development are important side of it. Similar studies are gaining momentum in Russia. For instance, HSE ISSEK has been measuring public perception of science, technology and innovation indicators in the framework of 'Monitoring the Innovative Behaviour of the Population' for more than 10 years. It latest results were presented by Alena Nefedova at the International scientific-practical conference 'Russian User Studies' (November 29 – December 1, 2018, St. Petersburg).

Russian User-Innovators: What and Why

Many Russians practice user innovation by developing their own inventions for use in everyday life, recreation, sports, etc. According to a study by Fursov and Turner conducted as part of the HSE ISSEK Monitoring Survey of Innovative Behaviour of the Population, the estimated share of user-innovators in Russia may be as much as 10%, which is substantially higher than in many other countries.

Not Aware but Beware: Russians’ Paradoxical Attitude to Achievements in Research

Russians do not show much interest in information about science and technology, despite being certain that they are knowledgeable about the topic. And they differ from Europeans in this. The average proportion of those who read popular science journals in Europe is 4 times higher than in Russia, but Europeans are more modest in evaluating their awareness about achievements in research than Russians.