Eye-tracking school
About Schedule Lecturers Materials Contacts
Dear colleagues!
Center for Language and Brain at the National Research University Higher School of Economics invites you to join us for a Workshop on Reading in Cyrillic, which will take place on 21-22 September. The venue : Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 1, room 405.
The main focus of the workshop will be the low-level reading processes as assessed through the eye-tracking methodology. The event will be of interest to those people who work in the fields of Psychology and Linguistics, as well as to all interested in reading research.
All talks will be given in English.
Invited speakers:
Irina Sekerina , Professor of Psychology, The City University of New York, USA
Reinhold Kliegl , Professor of Psychology, Chair of Division Cognitive Psychology, University of Potsdam, Germany
Anna Laurinavichyute , Junior research fellow at the Center for Language and Brain, HSE, Moscow, Russia
Svetlana Alexeeva , Junior research fellow at the Cognitive studies laboratory, Saint Petersburg State University,Russia
Daria Chernova , Junior research fellow at the Cognitive studies laboratory, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Aleksandr Latanov , Department professor, Department of higher nervous activity, Moscow State University, Russia
Victor Anisimov , Leading research fellow, Department of higher nervous activity, Moscow State University, Russia
Valeria Demareva , PhD student at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
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