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Summer Neurolinguistics School 2022: Call for Abstracts


General Info
School ScheduleLecturers and TalksCall for Abstracts

We invite participants to submit abstracts on experimental studies of Russia’s ethnic languages. Corpus and computational studies are welcome as well. We also invite submissions of work in progress and ideas for future experimental research: the goal of the School is to strengthen the community, provide valuable feedback and promote experimental studies of ethnic and endangered languages.

The word limit for the abstracts is 500 words (excluding title and references). The abstract must include the following sections:

  • Background,
  • Method,
  • Results (or Expected Results / Hypotheses for works in progress),
  • Discussion.

Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the program committee, so please do not include any identifying information in the body of the abstract.

Abstracts are accepted in both English and Russian. English is the main working language of the School, so submissions in English are preferred, but if a sufficient number of presenters expresses such a preference, part of oral presentation sessions may be held in Russian.

Abstracts are accepted until 1 June 2022 DEADLINE EXTENDED The abstracts are accepted till June 10 (23:59 Moscow time) via the submission form.


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