Anna Tsendina
- Professor: Faculty of Humanities / Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
- Programme Academic Supervisor: Mongolia and Tibet
- Anna Tsendina has been at HSE University since 2017.
Education and Degrees
Zhdanov Leningrad State University
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
- 2023
The 12th International Congress of Mongolists "Pax Mongolica an Historical Experience" (Улан-Батор). Presentation: Еще раз об источниках летописи XVII в. "Драгоценное сказание" Саган-Сэцэна
The 12th International Congress of Mongolists "Pax Mongolica an Historical Experience" (Улан-Батор). Presentation: Еще раз об источниках летописи XVII в. "Драгоценное сказание" Саган-Сэцэна
- 2022
Pandemics in historical and regional cosmologies: From the first documented to COVID-19 (Тарту). Presentation: Folk Medical Books of the Mongols (dom-un sudur) XVII – early ХХ century
Мир Чингис-хана и монголоведные исследования (Улан-Батор). Presentation: О двух историографических традициях в Монголии 17 в.
- 2021
International Reserch Conference "Mongolian Heritage spread around the world: Archive Documents and Written Monuments" (Улан-Батор). Presentation: About Mongolian Manuscripts in the Russian State Library
XIII Всероссийский съезд востоковедов "Восточные архивы и архивоведение в современном мире: проблемы и перспективы" (Элиста). Presentation: Собрание текстов даосских культов: "Нефритовая шкатулка"
- 2020
Монголоведение в начале XXI в.: современное состояние и перспективы развития - II (Элиста). Presentation: О каталогизации монгольских рукописей и ксилографов, хранящихся в библиотеках и хранилищах Москвы
- 2019
” Nige büsü nige ǰam” daγu ulus oron-u mongγol surbulǰi bičig sudulul-un olan ulus-un erdem sinjilgen-ü qural («Письменные памятники монголов» в рамках конферции «Один пояс, один путь» (Пекин). Presentation: Sira tuγuji-yin tuqai (О Шара туджи)
Первые Рифтинские чтения: международная конференция памяти акад. Б.Л. Рифтина (1932-2012) (Москва). Presentation: Гадательные практики монголов
"Дэлхийн номын сангууд дахь монгол сурвалж бичгийн ɵв" олон улсын монголч эрдэмтдийн хурал" (Международная конференция "Письменное наследие монголов в мировых книжных хранилищах") (Улан-Батор). Presentation: О коллекции рукописей и ксилографов квартиры-музея Ц.Дамдинсурэна в Улан-Баторе
- 2017
Mongolian Buddhism in Practice (Будапешт). Presentation: A few facts about the cult of Taranatha in Mongolia
The 2nd MUC International Symposium on Classical Mongolian Texts (Пекин). Presentation: О списке "Шара туджи", хранящемся в ИВР РАН
Works as a member of the Editorial Board of the “Written Monuments of the East” series (St. Petersburg).
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Mongol Studies" (KIGI RAS)
RFH 2006-2008 "Tibetan sources on the history of the Mongols" No. 06-01-918100 a/G;
RFH 2010-2012 "Written monuments of Northern Mongolia in the XVI–XIX centuries: newly found texts and their place in the literary process" № 10-04-00572a/G;
RFH 2014-2016 "Church life in Northern Mongolia in the texts of book culture (Urga, XVII – beginning of XX centuries)" No. 14-24-03001а;
The Ministry of education, culture and science of Mongolia 2015-2017 "Written monuments from the collection of Acad. C. Damdinsuren";
RFH 2016 Publishing grant "Vladimirtsov B. Y. Letters. Unpublished wotks".
Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, megagrant "From paleogenetics to cultural anthropology: a comprehensive interdisciplinary study of the traditions of peoples of cross-border regions: migration, intercultural interactions and the world picture " 2019-2021. № 075-15-2019-1879
Employment history
19981-1984 - postgraduate study of Institute of world literature Academy of Sciences
since 1991 - reserch fellow at the Institute of Oriental studies RAS
since 2005 - research fellow , Professor, head of the Department at the RSUH, the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, RSUH
since 2017 ― Professor at the HSE, the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies