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Natalia Galkina

    • Natalia Galkina has been at HSE University since 2020.


    • together with the academic supervisor and the Director of the Institute, identifies prospective areas for research work;
    • together with the director of the Institute, organises the development and implementation of research work;
    • participates in drafting the annual work plans of the Institute;
    • controls the execution of the tasks and contractual obligations under the plan, as well as the quality of the works carried out by the Institute team, as well as by the legal and natural persons engaged for the plan implementation;
    • participates directly in the implementation of individual works and studies;
    • participates in the organisation of the activities under the plan of the Institute.



    Degree in Law
    Moscow State Law Academy

    Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

    Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), LL.M in International Law

    UC Berkeley School of Law, CLE "Leadership in the Legal Profession"