HSE Campus in St. Petersburg → School of Arts and Humanities
Centre for Historical ResearchHSE Campus in St. Petersburg
Centre for Interdisciplinary Basic ResearchFaculty of Humanities
Centre for Medieval Studiesnews and announcements of events devoted to Medieval Studies in HSE University
Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies
Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its ConsequencesFaculty of Humanities → Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
Centre of Classical and Oriental ArchaeologyHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → School of Arts and Humanities
Department of Foreign LanguagesHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → School of Arts and Humanities
Department of HistoryHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → School of Arts and Humanities
Department of PhilologyHSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod
Faculty of Humanities (Nizhny Novgorod)The Faculty of Humanities unites educational programs in applied linguistics and philology.
Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies
Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies (ISPI) is a research department of the Higher School of Economics, specializing in the study of the history of the USSR, as well as the Soviet heritage on the territory of the entire post-Soviet space. ISPI employees are engaged in teaching at the HSE and research work. On the basis of the Institute, international conferences and forums for senior and young scientists are held annually.
Faculty of Humanities → School of History
International Centre of AnthropologyJoint Department with Garage Museum of Contemporary Art
The Garage department at HSE will actively engage in research activities carried out by Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg → Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences
Laboratory for Social and Cognitive InformaticsHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → School of Arts and Humanities → Centre for Historical Research
Laboratory for Visual HistoryFaculty of Humanities → School of Philological Studies
Laboratory of Linguo-Semiotic StudiesFaculty of Humanities → School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of EconomicsHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → School of Arts and Humanities → Department of History
Research Academic Group 'Languages for Describing the Other in Early Modern Europe: Social Contexts and Repertoires of Interpretation'