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Winners of Student Project Contest

Projects and implementation


On March 18th, the finalists of the Student Project Contest defended their projects. For the first time, this process was organised remotely. Here are the winners, who will get support from HSE University.

MuzVyshka 2020

615,440 ROUBLES

MuzVyshka is a open-air youth music festival from Ingrup STS, which this year celebrates its 17th anniversary. In 2020, the festival will feature two headliners and four student music groups. The festival will be held on August 28 in Krasnaya Presnya Park. You can follow the latest news about this project in the VK group.

This year, the contest introduced a new category - ‘Urban projects’. This is for applications with funding up to 1.5 million roubles. MuzVyshka is the first winner in this category. HSE students, other universities and Moscow residents are welcome to attend the festival.

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The following changes take effect in student projects in 2020: 1.5 million roubles allocated for the new urban project, an increase in the amount of basic funding and a simplified competition, updated voting procedure and application deadlines.


287,000 ROUBLES

This project is the winner of the ‘Voronka – 2020’ intercampus event. As the Voronka winner, the project received the maximum score and reached the final of the Student Project Contest automatically.

SOS is an inter-campus orienteering and rafting competition. This summer a competition for orienteering in nature will be organised; 40 people (10 people from each campus) will take part in the competition. The organisers will cover the participants’ travel expenses to the location of the competition.

Autumn Business School in the .RU style at HSE campuses

217,000 ROUBLES

IThis is another winner from the Voronka event. Every year ‘Business in .RU Style’ holds a series of lectures on web and mobile development, marketing, design, data analysis and project management.

This year, the students want to launch educational courses at other HSE campuses.

‘We are very keen on the idea of popularizing the study of IT professions and we are ready to promote it in regions. This project involves launching one course at each HSE campus during the first year and expanding the organization branches in subsequent years.’ says Mikhail Popov, project coordinator.

Trips by the charity organization ‘Open Your Eyes’

266,400 ROUBLES

This is a project by the ‘Open Your Eyes’ charity, which has been working on providing assistance for animals, children and adults with special needs, and the elderly for 10 years. During the 2019 academic year, about 30 trips to the organization's boarding schools were organized. This year volunteers from ‘Open Your Eyes’ will continue to organise trips to boarding schools on a regular basis.


300,000 ROUBLES

XCE FACTOR 2020 is an intercampus talent show with a new casting format that will be implemented through a mobile app. This year, the entire HSE community will be able to choose the finalists and the winner.

The project will serve as a platform for creating an HSE unified creative community and discovering talent through performances at a large-scale show.

Students, staff, and even prospective students are invited to participate in the show.

ХСЕ FACTOR Final Concert 2019

HSE Headmen School

253,960 ROUBLES

HSE student mentors have developed a new project - HSE Headmen. This is a school for headmen, which currently has no analogues at HSE. The School's goal is to develop an institute of headmen at the university. The team will train 1st-year students in 2020. The programme will help students to acquire administrative, project and creative skills.

The project coordinators believe that this will help to improve the atmosphere within study groups, strengthen the student community and reduce the organizational burden on the study office and teachers.

HSE Perm Tourist Club

110,550 ROUBLES

The Tourist Club is a student organization where students of all courses and subjects can try sport, cultural and educational tourism.

By winning the contest, the students now have more opportunities to develop three main areas of activity: weekly meetings, active recreation in the city region, and hiking.

HSE Business Club Forum

161,865 ROUBLES

HSE Business Club Forum is an event intended to promote entrepreneurship among students. Forum participants will be able to ask questions to representatives of large businesses, as well as getting knowledge and making useful contacts.

The forum will include Q&A sessions with CEOs of companies with a capitalization of more than $100 million, as well as meetings with representatives of international business. Managers and owners of large companies from Russia will be able to share their experience of doing business, as well as telling students why entrepreneurship is not just a job, but a lifestyle.

Joint case championship by HSE Case School and HSE University

298,246 ROUBLES

Participants of the case championship will work on education digitalization. As a result, students and doctoral students in Russia and the CIS will present creative and ready-to-implement ideas that can solve one of the current problems for the university's development.

Smart Crow Tournament 2020

248,500 ROUBLES

Smart Crow’ is one of the most famous and prestigious intellectual game tournaments in Moscow. Winning teams that have won prizes at Russian and world championships in ‘What? Where? When?’ quizzes traditionally take part in the event. Along with the school's ‘Smart Little Crow’ and the student's HSE Fest, ‘Smart Crow’ has been making HSE one of Moscow’s intellectual centres for several years.

HD: HSE Dance

224,500 ROUBLES

HSE Dance is one of the largest student organizations at HSE. Every week about 1,000 students and staff members attend HSE Dance classes and training sessions.

In the autumn of 2020, HSE Dance will organise a large concert for the HSE community, which will be held at HSE Cultural Centre, with 150 participants taking part in the concert.

March 20, 2020