After transitioning to online learning, HSE students decided to recreate the HSE University campus in Minecraft, the legendary computer game where players can envision and design their own buildings.
The number of people who want to participate in constructing a virtual HSE in the game is growing every day, and the construction is gaining momentum. Within a week, virtual versions of the Central Atrium, Buildings D and F, the library, and the cafeteria have been erected. The HSE Minecraft players intend to build Buildings N, Z, T, S, and the HSE Lyceum as well.
Those who initiated the project have been assisted by the HSE.Navigation mobile app, which was released by the HSE Online Media and Mobile Applications Office in December of last year. The developers not only have plans to recreate HSE campus buildings in the computer game, but to host open house days, hold excursions and quests, and maintain correspondence with prospective students.
The HSE IT Office supports the new student project and will provide participants free access to a special server starting in early April. This will stabilize the functionality and speed of the game and eliminate technical problems.
Head, Mobile Apps Unit
‘To implement a project of this scale, we need not only specialists in Minecraft, but also a server that will allow the game to operate smoothly despite a high workload and a growing number of participants. The new server dedicated to this project will be able to handle the high level of activity and keep participants from having to worry about low uptime and sudden crashes like they were encountering before.’