HSE Staff Receive Acknowledgement Medals
Some HSE staff members have received ‘Acknowledgement’ medals for their professional achievements and hard work.
‘HSE Offers Solutions Aimed at the Future…’
On November 27, the HSE Academic Council held an awards ceremony dedicated to the university’s 25th anniversary. The meeting saw the participation of representatives of the Russian President, members of government, and members of the Russian Federal Assembly. Governmental awards were given to a number of HSE employees for their tremendous accomplishments.
HSE Experts have Become Members of a Council under the Russian Government
The list of members of the Expert Council under the RF Government has been approved. Its 200 members include staff from the Higher School of Economics.
Awards and New Areas of Development
On October 28th 2011, a session of the Academic Council of the Higher School of Economics took place at the HSE, The event began with an award ceremony: Claude Blanchemaison, Professor at the Paris-Dauphine University, former French Ambassador in Russia and a long-time friend of the HSE, was given the title of HSE Honorary Professor.