Meeting of the Dissertation Council in Sociology
The HSE Dissertation Council in Sociology at a virtual meeting held on October 29, 2021 decided (Minutes No. 7) to award the academic degree of Candidate of Sociological Sciences to Olga Verbilovich in the scientific specialty 22.00.01 "Theory, Methodology and History of Sociology"; Volkova Galina Leonidovna, scientific specialty 22.00.04 "Social structure, social institutions and processes"; Ola Bamidele Emmanuel in the scientific specialty 22.00.03 "Economic sociology and demography"; Khumaryan David Gagikovich in the scientific specialty 22.00.03 "Economic sociology and demography"; Zhidkova Polina Artemovna, specialty 22.00.03 "Economic sociology and demography".
The HSE Dissertation Council in Sociology also decided to accept for defense the dissertation of Nadezhda Andreevna Nartova on the topic: "Citizenship and social inclusion of urban youth in modern Russia", presented for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences and to select the following specialists as members of the committee: E.Yu. Rozhdestvenskaya, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Analysis of Social Institutions, HSE; Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Sociology, HSE; Zaporozhets O.N., Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Urbanism named after A.A. Vysokovsky, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, HSE. The approval of the candidacies of external experts and the chairperson of the dissertation defense committee will take place at the next meeting of the dissertation council.