Kirill Levinson Receives Merck Translation Award

Kirill Levinson, Associate Professor at the HSE School of History, has received the Merck Translation Award for translating select articles from Reinhart Koselleck's Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe, published in Russian by the New Literary Observer in 2014 under the title ‘Dictionary of Basic Historical Concepts’.

‘The Merck German Translation Award was first presented in 2016. Previously, the Goethe-Institute awarded a German translation prize in cooperation with the German Embassy and the Frankfurt Book Fair. There was only one category. This year, we award the prize in three categories: children’s and youth literature, non-fiction, and fiction,’ says Ekaterina Gunthardt, project coordinator.

Translations of German authors in Russian and published in the past two years (2014-2015) by Russian publishing houses or literary journals were included in the competition. Publishing houses putting out translations recognized by experts will receive grants for the involvement of their representatives at the Frankfurt or Leipzig Book Fairs.