Tag "neuronets"

HSE Researchers Teach Neural Networks to Determine Crowd Emotions

HSE Researchers Teach Neural Networks to Determine Crowd Emotions
Scholars from HSE University have developed an algorithm that detects emotions in a group of people on a low-quality video. The solution provides a final decision in just one hundredth of a second, which is faster than any other existing algorithms with similar accuracy. The results have been described in the paper ‘Emotion Recognition of a Group of People in Video Analytics Using Deep Off-the-Shelf Image Embeddings.’

Scientists Teach the Neural Network to Carry Out Video Facial Recognition — Using a Single Photo

Researchers at the Higher School of Economics have proposed a new method of recognizing people on video with the help of a deep neural network. The approach does not require a large number of photographs and it has a significantly higher recognition accuracy compared to already existing methods — even if only one photo of a person is available. The results of the work have been published in the articles ‘Fuzzy Analysis and Deep Convolution Neural Networks in Still-to-Video Recognition’.