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Address: 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, Building 3, room Л-309
Cult Decision by HSEIAN
SPIN-RSCI: 9560-0679
ORCID: 0000-0003-4088-6881
ResearcherID: ADZ-6706-2022
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10 am - 18 pm
G. O. Babkova (Head of the School of History)
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Ian Dziubinskii

    • Ian Dziubinskii has been at HSE University since 2019.


    1. Organization and conduct of educational and methodological work for all types of classes.
    2. Participation in the research work of the School of History.
    3. Participation in the development of methodological manuals for the types of classes and educational work conducted, organization and planning of methodological and technical support for training sessions.
    4. Creating conditions for the formation of the main components of competence among students (students, listeners), ensuring the success of future professional activities of graduates.
    5. Monitoring the completion of homework by students (students, listeners), as well as the rules for labor protection and fire safety during training sessions.
    6. Participation in seminars, meetings and conferences, and other events of the HSE University organized within the framework of the research areas of the School of History.


    Doctoral programme
    HSE University
    Master's in History
    HSE University
    MA in History
    School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
    Bachelor's in History
    HSE University

    Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

    1. Basic Concepts of Artificial Intelligence and its Application to Solving Problems within the Specialty (Basic Level), HSE Moscow, 8.11-14.11.2024 (Certificate)
    2. Methods of Teaching the Foundations of Russian Statehood, RANEPA - Moscow, 31.05-21.06.2023 (Certificate)
    3. Legal Basis for Public Communications of HSE Employees: Case Study and Legislative Requirements, HSE Moscow, 5.12-19.12.2022 (Certificate)
    4. Summer School 2022 "Circulation of Knowledge: Borders, Mediations, Translation" (École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)), Paris, French Republic, 04-08.07. 2022
    5. Microsoft Excel Basic Course, HSE Moscow, 8.09-4.11.2021 (Certificate)
    6. Empowering Your Writing in English: Academic vs. General, 24 hours, Academic Writing Centre HSE, 2.11-14.12.2020 
    7. The Course "New Research Approaches in XX Century Historiography: Special Aspects of USSR History" held at Сentre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen, CERCEC CNRS-EHESS, Paris, French Republic, 11-12.12. 2019

    Participation in professional programs and competitions

    2024: Educational Program "Voice of the Generation. Teachers" (Certificate)

    2024: 1st Moscow Forum of Continuing Education "Challenges of Digitalization and New University Solutions" (Certificate)

    2023-2024: All-Russian competition "The best teacher of the discipline "Foundations of Russian Statehood" in educational institutions of higher education" (Certificate)

    Membership in public organizations

    May 2024 - to present time: Member of the Regional Public Organization "Ural Community"

    Awards and Accomplishments

    • Gratitude from the HSE Online Learning Directorate (August 2024)

      Gratitude from the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Intermuseum Festival, First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.V. Aristarkhov (June 2018)

      Gratitude from the leadership of the Albazin archaeological expedition of the Foundation for the support of socially oriented projects and programs "Petropavlovsk" (November 2015)

    • Members of Professional Development Programme for Administrative Staff (2022–2023)
    • Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
      Category "New Lecturers" (2025)