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IV Международная научная конференция «Интеракция. Интеграция. Инклюзия: лабиринты смыслов и горизонты возможностей» (Москва). Presentation: Дискурсивный «непрофессионализм» как результат политики интеграции: кейс «русских школ» в Эстонии
British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference at Aston University/ Conference Aston (Бирмингем). Presentation: ‘When Cultural Reproduction Overshadows Personal Transformation: The Case of Russian Schools Teachers in Estonia’
Eesti Haridusfoorum 2023 (Tartu University Narva College, Narva) (Нарва). Presentation: 'What do we know about cultural differences between Estonian and Russian-speaking schools? Students' and teachers' experiences and the cultural identity of Russian-speaking teachers.'), (in Russian language)
VIII Pedagogical Congress 'Who Does the Contemporary School Bring Up?' (St.Petersburg). Presentation: 'Digital Debut of Educational Relationship' (in Russian language)
The European Conference of Educational Research, ECER Plus (Ереван). Presentation: 'Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Teacher Agency Scale in the Estonian Education Context and Its First Measures: Culturally Distinct - Equally Agentic'
The Barcelona Conference on Education (Барселона ). Presentation: 'Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Teacher Agency Scale in Estonia’
II International Scientific Conference ‘Interaction, integration, inclusion in times of social disruptions’ (Москва). Presentation: ‘New interactions and inequalities in the school digitalization: Russia and abroad’ (in Russian language)
Eesti Haridusfoorum 'Koolikultuuri rollist üleminekul eestikeelsele haridusele' (Таллинн). Presentation: 'School Culture in transition to the Estonian language : Through teachers narratives' (in English language)
The 11th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (Токио). Presentation: 'Cultural-cognitive Institutional Level Shaping the Professional Agency of Minority Teachers in Post-Soviet Estonia'
The 9th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (London). Presentation: 'Cultural-cognitive Institutional Level Shaping the Professional Agency of Minority Teachers in Post-Soviet Estonia'
The European Conference of Educational Research, ECER (Женева). Presentation: 'Agency Without Future: Webs of Beliefs Structuring Professional Agency of the Teachers in Russian Schools in Estonia'
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