Mariya Khudyakova
- Director: HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod / Faculty of Humanities / Centre for Language and Brain Studies
- Research Fellow: Center for Language and Brain
- Mariya Khudyakova has been at HSE University since 2012.
Education and Degrees
Lomonosov Moscow State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Awards and Accomplishments
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2016–2017)
Category "New Lecturers" (2013)
Courses (2023/2024)
- Research Seminar "Testing and Expertise in Linguistic Research" (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities (Nizhny Novgorod); 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Research and Design Seminar "Linguistic Tools for Solving Business Puzzles" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities (Nizhny Novgorod); 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Past Courses
Courses (2022/2023)
- Psycho- and neurolinguistics (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Psycholinguistics (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities (Nizhny Novgorod); 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Research and Design Seminar "Linguistic Tools for Solving Business Puzzles" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities (Nizhny Novgorod); 1 year, 2-4 module)Eng
Courses (2021/2022)
- Psycho- and neurolinguistics (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Experimental Linguistics (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- Psycho- and neurolinguistics (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- 2016
The 22nd Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference (Бильбао). Presentation: Processing Grammatical Evidentiality by Bashkir-Russian Bilinguals
- 2015
The 4th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and Other Non-verbal Vocalisations in Speech (Энсхеде). Presentation: Interpretation of "Embarrassement" Laughter in Narratives by People with aphasia and Non-language-impaired speakers
Одиннадцатый международный междисциплинарный конгресс "Нейронаука для медицины и психологии" (Судак). Presentation: Опыт создания стандартизированного теста для оценки речи при афазии
"Диалог 2015": Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии (Москва). Presentation: Затруднения при порождении слов в дискурсе и их формальные маркеры: норма и патология, или о недискретности нормы в языке и речи
EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science (Турин). Presentation: Pear Stories by Russian speakers with aphasia
16th International Science of Aphasia Conference (Aveiro). Presentation: What contributes to discourse coherence? Evidence from Russian speakers with and without aphasia
ConCorT Junior. Корпусные технологии и компьютерные методы в современной гуманитарной науке (Москва). Presentation: Переключение между настоящим и прошедшимвременем в нарративах людей с афазией на материале корпуса «Рассказы о грушах»
Dissertation for a Candidate of Sciences degree
- 2023
M. Khudyakova Методы анализа и оценки устного дискурса людей с речевыми нарушениями
Employment history
2013 - current |
Center for Language and Brain (former Neurolinguistics Laboratory), National Research University Higher School of Economics; Moscow, Russia Junior research fellow |
2015-2016 |
Center for innovative sport technologies and national teams, Sport psychology department Lead specialist |
2012 - 2014 |
Faculty of Philology, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia Senior Lecturer |
‘It Was Great to Look at Scientific Achievements through the Eyes of a Journalist, not a Scientist’
HSE University in Nizhny recently hosted the 2nd Autumn Neuro-linguistic School ‘NeuroSciCom: Popularising Language and Brain Studies’ for scientists and students at the HSE Centre for Language and Brain Studies in Nizhny Novgorod. The school was held as part of the 'Human Brain Resilience: Neurocognitive Technologies for Adaptation, Learning, Development and Rehabilitation in a Changing Environment' Strategic Project of the Priority 2030 programme.
‘It Was Great to Look at Scientific Achievements through the Eyes of a Journalist, not a Scientist’
HSE University in Nizhny recently hosted the 2nd Autumn Neuro-linguistic School ‘NeuroSciCom: Popularising Language and Brain Studies’ for scientists and students at the HSE Centre for Language and Brain Studies in Nizhny Novgorod. The school was held as part of the 'Human Brain Resilience: Neurocognitive Technologies for Adaptation, Learning, Development and Rehabilitation in a Changing Environment' Strategic Project of the Priority 2030 programme.
Neuroeconomical Research, Speech Tests for Neurosurgical Operations and New Discoveries in Mathematics
At the end of 2022, the results of the Project Competition in Basic Science Research for Intercampus Departments were announced. This was the inaugural competition, and focused on encouraging new research teams at HSE University and developing intercampus cooperation in the field of fundamental research. Here, HSE News Services looks at four winning projects.
'We Wanted to Create an Opportunity for Intercampus Teams to Engage in Promising Studies'
HSE University has announced the winners of the Project Competition in Basic Science Research for Intercampus Departments. The competition, which the university is organising for the first time, will provide funding to 10 research teams working on five topics. Four of the winning projects will be implemented by new research departments formed as a result of the competition.
Members of the Center for Language and Brain Maria Khudyakova, Ekaterina Stupina and Nina Zdorova participate in the workshop Moving Research Online
During a pandemic, scientists around the world are forced to change the format of research. For experimental linguistics, the key question now is the possibility of conducting experiments online. Research members of the Center for Language and Brain Maria Khudyakova, Ekaterina Stupina and Nina Zdorova are trained to conduct online experiments at the Moving Research Online workshop.
Center for Language and Brain members are back from the Amazon jungle
Mariya Khudyakova, Vardan Arutiunian and Andres Felipe Reyes Gomez from El Bsque University in Bogota have completed the expedition to Vaupes province in Colombia where speakers of Tuyuca language live.
Centre for Language and Brain Opens at HSE
The Centre stems from the International Neurolinguistics Laboratory and brings together researchers in clinical linguistics, special needs education, psycholinguistics, bilingualism, child speech, and gerontolinguistics. The Centre’s academic supervisor is Roelien Bastiaanse, Professor from the University of Groningen (the Netherlands), a researcher into clinical linguistics and founder of EMCL and IDEALAB, unique international educational programmes.
Center for Language and Brain Wins 3-Year Grant to Study Prevention, Diagnostics and Therapy of Language Disorders
New article about Center for Language and Brain was published recently on the website of our University: "Neurolinguistics Laboratory Wins 3-Year Grant to Study Prevention, Diagnostics and Therapy of Language Disorders".
Center for Language and Brain Wins 3-Year Grant to Study Prevention, Diagnostics and Therapy of Language Disorders
The HSE Center for Language and Brain studies a broad range of topics related to the connection between the brain and language. For Svetlana Malyutina, Deputy Head, and Mariya Khudyakova, Junior Research Fellow, particularly interesting areas of focus include the breakdown of language processing after brain damage (e.g., stroke, neurosurgery, epilepsy) and language acquisition in children.
Neurolinguistics Lab team in Geneva
A numerous delegation of Lab members led by the head of the Lab attended the annual Science of Aphasia Conference 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Linguists away at Summer School
HSE lecturers and students took part in the 2015 Summer School near the town of Dubna from July 11 through August 10. The representatives of the HSE School of Linguistics organised two different workshops at this year’s School, one on Language and the Brain, aimed at research in the field of neurolinguistics, and one on Linguistics Research, the main areas of which included field linguistics and anthropology.
Linguists away at Summer School
HSE lecturers and students took part in the 2015 Summer School near the town of Dubna from July 11 through August 10. The representatives of the HSE School of Linguistics organised two different workshops at this year’s School, one on Language and the Brain, aimed at research in the field of neurolinguistics, and one on Linguistics Research, the main areas of which included field linguistics and anthropology.