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HSE University’s Custom Diplomas

HSE University’s custom diplomas (hereinafter, “HSE University custom diplomas”) refer to documents awarded to all of the University’s alumni starting from 2020, who have successfully completed final certification* (hereinafter, “FC”) or final state certification (hereinafter, “FSC”) after finishing studies under core Bachelor’s, Specialist or Master’s degree programmes at HSE University.

* FC is conducted for students who pursue degree programmes without state accreditation, including independently developed programmes that are not bound to any specific field of study.

Documents are awarded to HSE University alumni

Students are issued the following documents:

  • a state-standard Diploma/Degree certificate (only for those students who have completed the FSC process);
  • an HSE University custom Diploma;
  • a Diploma Supplement.

What an HSE University custom diploma includes

An HSE University custom diploma includes the following:

  • the alumnus’ full name;
  • the title of the completed degree programme (hereinafter, the “DP”);
  • the period of studies under the DP;
  • the diploma’s series and number;
  • its date of issue;
  • a print image of the HSE University Rector’s signature;
  • a unique QR code for the document.

The QR code, which is embedded in the template of each HSE University custom diploma, allows for the input of the respective diploma in the Register of HSE University Diploma Certificates on HSE University’s portal.

A copy of an HSE University custom diploma, along with the diploma supplement

A copy of an HSE University custom diploma, along with the diploma supplement (more information on the supplement format can be found here), can be issued to HSE University’s alumni free of charge.

In those instances when both an HSE University custom diploma and diploma supplement must be reissued due to an identified mistake, which is the University’s responsibility, alumni shall not be charged for this service.

Order additional copies of HSE University Documents


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