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Ли Александр, Международный институт экономики и финансов (Москва)


Ли Александр

4-й курс бакалавриата, бакалаврская "Программа двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ и Лондонского университета по экономике"

Кандидатуру предлагают сотрудники МИЭФ: Замков Олег Олегович, заместитель директора, Белянин Алексей Владимирович, доцент, заместитель директора по научной работе, Соколов Владимир Николаевич, доцент


Alexander Li has been studying in ICEF on the Double degree programme with the University of London, for the specialisation in Mathematics and Economics. During 3.5 years of study at ICEF, Alexander has been among 1-3 top students in the rating at ICEF. He has been one of the best and most interested students in many ICEF courses, getting all the first class grades, some of which were the top scores worldwide. The overall study results of Alexander are really excellent, and he got the Award for Academic Achievement, EMFSS from the University of London for them.

Alexander also has serious interests in research, and he wrote a number of excellent papers on the forecasting gold price trends, company financial analysis, and others. Alexander got high places in the Case Championships (Changellenge Cups Moscow and Russia 2015, McKinsey Business Diving 2016). 

Alexander Li is a very intellectually and socially active person, one of the leaders in ICEF students’ group. He acted as a lecturer at the ICEF Evening school for high school children, as a tutor for younger students. During his studies, Alexander demonstrated exceptional intellectual abilities, quantitative, analytical, writing and presentation skills, communication skills and leadership. He was a leader of the HSE team at the UK-Russia 2017 student economic forum in Sochi, and at the World Festival of Youth and Students where he presented the Economic section results to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.