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Tag " social orphanhood"

Potential and limitations of socio-technological intervention in the prevention of social orphanhood: perspectives of the main actors

Potential and limitations of socio-technological intervention in the prevention of social orphanhood: perspectives of the main actors
On October 19, a joint scientific and practical online seminar "The potential and limitations of socio-technological intervention in the prevention of social orphanhood" was held.: prospects of the main actors", which was attended by employees of ML ISI and BF "Tagansky Children's Fund". The seminar discussed the substantive and methodological results of a joint project aimed at developing the methodology of scientific and applied analytics in the field of evaluation research in the social sphere.

Congratulations to the leading researcher professor Elena Rozhdestvenskaya and her team on the RSF granted project 'Family on the Edge: Limitations and Opportunities of Socio-Technological Treatment in Social Orphanhood Prevention'

Congratulations to the leading researcher professor Elena Rozhdestvenskaya and her team on the RSF granted project 'Family on the Edge: Limitations and Opportunities of Socio-Technological Treatment in Social Orphanhood Prevention'
The project is aimed at analyzing the limits and possibilities of social and technological intervention in the prevention of social orphanhood with the prospect of developing effective methods and technologies to combat the problem of social orphanhood.