
On January 20 Sergey Startsev (Research Assistant, International Laboratory for Social Inclusion Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Not to know, but to be afraid: sources and ways to overcome cancerophobia".
An article “Staying Out of Trouble: Criminal Cases Against Russian Mayors” by Noah Buckley, Ora John. Reuter, Michael Rochlitz, Anton Aisin was published in Comparative Political Studies.

On January 19 (Wednesday), 2022, a regular meeting of the all-Moscow scientific seminar "Mathematical Methods of Decision Analysis in Economics, Business and Politics" took place at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics".
Our plans for 2021 on publications are successfully performed.
The first forthcoming publication for 2022 is:
Omrani H., Alizadeh A., Emrouznejad A., Teplova T. (2022). A Robust Credibility DEA Model with Fuzzy Perturbation Degree: An Application to Hospitals Performance. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 189. Article 116021.
The first forthcoming publication for 2022 is:
Omrani H., Alizadeh A., Emrouznejad A., Teplova T. (2022). A Robust Credibility DEA Model with Fuzzy Perturbation Degree: An Application to Hospitals Performance. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 189. Article 116021.