Tag "students"

Ob-Ugric Field Trip and New Bilingual Corpora

Natalia Koshelyuk
n November 2023, as part of the postdoctoral program and the DIAL2 laboratory project, Natalia Koshelyuk traveled to the Ob-Ugrian region to collect new field data. The city of Khanty-Mansiysk was chosen as the primary location, and the focus of the study was the Russian speech of the Mansi and Khanty people.

The autumn school "Success in decision Analysis" was held

On October 28-30, the International Center for Analysis and Decision Selection of the Higher School of Economics hosted the Autumn School "Advances in Decision Analysis" with the participation of well-known leading foreign specialists Michel Grabisch (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne), Ahmet Alkan (Sabanci University, Turkey), Arunava Sen (Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi), Vladimir Makarenkov (University of Quebec, Montreal), Eric Maskin (Harvard University, HSE), Mario Guarracino (Cassino University, HSE), domestic leading specialists Dzhangir Dzhangirov, Andrey Vashevnik (BEAC, Russia), as well as the staff of the center.

Advice for Young Scientists: Professor Barajas Discussed Career Opportunities in Science

Advice for Young Scientists: Professor Barajas Discussed Career Opportunities in Science
On September 13, 2024, the IDLab laboratory held an online seminar titled "Building an Academic Career," which gathered around 30 participants. In addition to the laboratory staff, external listeners joined the seminar, and the online format allowed attendees not only from Perm but also from other cities, including Moscow.