2nd QS Summer School Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Head of HSE Department for Educational Innovations and Short International Programs Oksana Chernenko was invited to the 2nd QS Summer School Summit as the speaker at one of the five sessions, which was devoted to ensuring harmony between academic, institutional and commercial goals and HSE Summer University was a representative case of these three goals’ effective unity.

Among the key-features of the current development of HSE Summer University are the inclusion of Nizhny Novgorod and Perm campuses in the Summer University Programme and an extended list of courses.

Bringing together 85 participants from 45 institutions of 19 countries, the Summit offered a highly interactive format, including the Summit's signature “Elevator Pitch” (an opportunity to promote your summer program in 90 seconds) and the “Round Robin Chat Groups”, which crowd-source and share knowledge and experience from all participants. With colleagues from other countries Ms. Oksana Chernenko took part in panel discussion on Building World Class Summer Schools.

The formal part of the Summit was focused on the importance of maintaining academic quality control, offering a unique student experience and future trends for Summer Schools. One of the organizers of the Summit was University of Malaya, or UM, Malaysia's oldest university.

The Summit gave a good chance to broaden and develop partnership contacts, e.g. with Universities of Utrecht and Radboud (the Netherlands), with universities of Hong Kong and others.

The Third QS Summer School Summit is already being prepared to be held in May 2016. Oksana Chernenko was honored to become a Member of the Executive Committee, so we hope to contribute to the forthcoming event.