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Tag "ideas & experience"

Illustration for news: Early-Career Researchers from HSE University and Shanghai University Exchange Best Practices

Early-Career Researchers from HSE University and Shanghai University Exchange Best Practices

On December 15, the Second Sino-Russian Economic Cooperation Workshop–Youth Forum took place online. The event was organised jointly by HSE University and the Shanghai University School of Economics. Anastasia Stepanova, Deputy Vice Rector of HSE University, Associate Professor at the School of Finance, and one of the workshop organisers, talked to the HSE News Service about cooperation with Shanghai University and the topics covered by the workshop.

Illustration for news: Victoria Panova: 'To Achieve Genuine Success in Our Development, Coordinated Efforts of All Subdivisions of the University Are Essential'

Victoria Panova: 'To Achieve Genuine Success in Our Development, Coordinated Efforts of All Subdivisions of the University Are Essential'

International academic and educational cooperation is a vital aspect of activities for Russian universities. At the beginning of the new academic year, Vice Rector Victoria Panova addresses HSE's initiatives in this area.

Illustration for news: School Ten Thousand Kilometres Away from Home: Students from Thailand at HSE University

School Ten Thousand Kilometres Away from Home: Students from Thailand at HSE University

HSE University continues to develop its international relations with the best Asian universities. At the request of Thammasat University (Thailand), a special short-term educational programme in ‘Russian Language and Culture’ has been created at the HSE St Petersburg International Office.