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Lev Shchur

  • Lev Shchur has been at HSE University since 2013.

Education, Degrees and Academic Titles

  • 2003
  • 1998

    Doctor of Sciences*

  • 1975

    Degree in Physics and informatics
    Lobachevskiy Gorky State University, physics

* Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.


Professor, Chair of "Applied information-telecommunication tools and systems" and  Scientific Advisor of master program "Supercomputer simulations in science and Engineering", National Research University Higher School of Economics.


Scientific advisor, weakly seminar  "Supercomputer simulations in science and Engineering"

Chair, HSE seminar "Computer simulations"

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

Visiting professor and scientist at Universities and Labs - Germany, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Taiwan, United Kingdom, China, and USA.

Awards and Accomplishments

  • APS Fellow, 2017

    Medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "For contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of scientific and technological development", 2021

    Henri Abraham Award for long distinguished service to IUPAP, 2022

  • Best Teacher – 2018



















  • 2016
    MECO41 - Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (Вена). Presentation: On the simulation of Potts model using population annealing algorithm
  • Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena (Ковентри). Presentation: Exploring first order phase transition with population annealing algorithm
  • 2015
    9th International Conference on Computational Physics - ICCP9 (Сингапур). Presentation: On the parallel version of Wang-Landau method
  • 9th International Conference on Computational Physics - ICCP9 (Сингапур). Presentation: Applying Multi - GPU for Monte - Carlo numerical integration
  • XVII Международная конференция "Аналитика и управление данными в областях с интенсивным использованием данных (Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID))" (Обнинск). Presentation: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation as a paradigm for large scale modeling experiments

  • XVII Международная конференция "Аналитика и управление данными в областях с интенсивным использованием данных (Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID))" (Обнинск). Presentation: Large-scale data analysis of random growth structures: software and hardware platform
  • 28th Annual CSP Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics (Athens). Presentation: Random numbers: problems and solutions
  • MECO40- Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (Эстергом). Presentation: Wang-Landau algorithm as Markov process in the energy space
  • Информационные технологии в системах автоматизации технологических процессов, связи и приборостроения (Черноголовка). Presentation: рансформация инфрастуктуры исследовательского центра на пути к интенсивному использованию больших данных
  • VI Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция (Дубна). Presentation: Эффективные библиотеки генерации случайных чисел для вычислений на суперкомпьютерах, включая гибридные

  • Центры коллективного пользования и уникальные научные установки в организациях, подведомственных ФАНО России (Москва). Presentation: К вопросу об информационно-телекоммуникационной инфраструктуре
  • Методы суперкомпьютерного моделирования (Таруса). Presentation: Об ИТ-инфраструктуре РАН - движение к исследованиям с интенсивной обработкой данных

  • 16th Internatioanl NTZ-Workshop on New Developmetns in Computational Physics (Лейпциг). Presentation: Сurrent state-of-the-art in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
  • International Conference Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond (Москва). Presentation: New trends in Computer Simulations in Physics and not only in physics

  • Методы суперкомпьютерного моделирования (Таруса). Presentation: Вычислительные технологии в естественных науках. Методы суперкомпьютерного моделирования. Часть 2.

  • 2014

    MECO39 - Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (Ковентри). Presentation: Towards Exaflops Monte Carlo Computing

  • XXVI IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (Boston). Presentation: Relation of Parallel Discrete Event Simulations algorithms with the physical models
  • Методы суперкомпьютерного моделирования (Таруса, Калужская область). Presentation: Алгоритм Ванга-Ландау: случайное блуждание по спектру энергии и эффективная параллелизация
  • 2013

    CCP2013 - XXV IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (Москва). Presentation: Computational Physics at CCP 2013

Editorial board membership

  • 2016: Member of the Editorial Board, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics.

  • 2015: Member of the Editorial Board, Электронные библиотеки.

  • 2014: Deputy Editor-in-chief, Frontiers in Physics: Interdisciplinary Physics.

  • 2014: Member of the Editorial Board, Программная инженерия.

  • 2009: Guest Editor (Редактор сборника статей серии конференций ), Механика, управление и информатика.

  • 1994: Member of the Editorial Council, Информационное общество.

  • 2014–2021: Guest Editor (Редактор сборника статей конференции), Journal of Physics: Conference Series.


Professional membeship

Computational Physics Group, European Physical Society, board member

IEEE, member

American Physics Society, Fellow

Timetable for today

Full timetable

HSE MIEM Professor Lev Shchur Receives Prestigious International Award

Professor Lev Shchur has received the Henri Abraham Award 2022 for his services in organising science, including conducting international conferences and supporting early-career scientists. The award was established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) in 2020, and has since been given to six researchers from various countries.

Statistical Physics Can Help Uncover the Impact of Media on Decision Making

Students and researchers from HSE University and the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics have examined the widely known ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ game using methods from statistical physics. They used the mean-field concept, a common tool for studying the physics of many-particle systems, to describe human decision-making processes. Researchers suggest that this model may be helpful for understanding systems with many participants. The results of the study are published in the September issue of the Physics Review Research journal.

MIEM HSE Researchers Present Newly Identified Features of Classical MC Algorithms at Workshop in Lausanne

A team of researchers of HSE University’s Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Professor Lev Shchur, Assistant Professor Evgeny Burovsky, and doctoral student Maria Guskova), in collaboration with Prof. Wolfhard Janke (Leipzig University, Germany), has made a new discovery about the properties of classical Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms. The team identified an interesting connection between the properties of the algorithm used and the properties of statistical systems that are modeled using the algorithm. As it turns out, the acceptance rate in local Metropolis and heat-bath algorithms appear to be a linear function of internal energy of the used model. Moreover, the researchers were able to prove analytically that, for a one-dimensional (1D) Ising model, the acceptance rate of the Metropolis algorithm is a linear function of internal energy. This proved true not only for the thermodynamic limit, but for an arbitrary size of the system under study as well. A computational experiment demonstrated that, for all analyzed spin models with different types of interaction in any space dimensions, the linearity is performed around the phase transition point.

Supercomputer Set Up at HSE University

A new supercomputer, which has been recently set up at MIEM, will allow the university to carry out high quality research in deep learning and mathematical modeling. The computer was ranked sixth in the April Top-50 ranking of supercomputers in Russia.

HSE MIEM Starts Joint Project with China

Professor Lev Shchur, Academic Supervisor of the master's programme in Supercomputer Simulations in Science and Engineering, and Professor Hai-Qing Lin, Director of Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)  have signed a cooperation agreement for implementing a joint research project in computational physics and high performance computing.

Students to Develop Algorithms for the Computers of the Future

This year, the new Master's programme ‘Supercomputer Simulations in Science and Engineering’ will be launched at MIEM HSE. Graduates will be experts in the interdisciplinary field of computer technology, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

HSE MIEM Professor Elected Fellow of American Physical Society

The American Physical Society (APS) has recognised HSE MIEM Professor Lev Shchur for his innovative use of computer simulations and the development of superior random number generators for their use in statistical physics. Professor Shchur is the only academic working in Russia to be selected as APS Fellow in 2017.

Second International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond

On October 9-12, 2017 HSE holds the Second International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond. Lev Shchur, the conference organizer, Professor at HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE), spoke about the event and its programme.