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Address: 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, Building 1, room A-325
SPIN-RSCI: 9134-5201
ORCID: 0000-0003-4138-375X
ResearcherID: H-3526-2015
Scopus AuthorID: 40061091300
Google Scholar
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Пятница, 15.00-17.00
O. Budnitskii
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Oleg V. Khlevniuk

  • Oleg V. Khlevniuk has been at HSE University since 2014.

Education and Degrees

  • 1997

    Doctor of Sciences* in National History

  • 1987

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in National History

  • 1985

    Doctoral programme
    USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Soviet History

  • 1980

    Ostrovsky Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Institute

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
* Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.

Awards and Accomplishments

Best Teacher – 2020, 2018, 2015

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Courses (2019/2020)

Editorial board membership

  • 2021: Member of the Editorial Board, The Russian Review.

  • 2012: Member of the Editorial Board, Российская история.


  • 2021
    ХХ съезд КПСС: предпосылки и последствия (С-Петербург). Presentation: После Сталина. Предпосылки и варианты десталинизации
  • 2020
    Государственный архив Российской Федерации. Итоги формирования и деятельности. К 100-летнему юбилею. (Москва). Presentation: Документы СНК-Совета министров СССР: состав и содержание.
  • Вторая мировая и Великая Отечественная: к 75-летию окончания (Москва). Presentation: Власть и управление в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Перспективы исследований
  • 2019
    Устная история Великой Отечественной войны: практики создания и интерпретации (Москва). Presentation: Советские руководители военного периода. Записи бесед как исторический источник.
  • ВТОРАЯ МИРОВАЯ ВОЙНА И ПРОБЛЕМЫ СОВЕТСКОЙ ИСТОРИИ (Москва). Presentation: Сталин и генералы: реконструкция лояльности в годы войны
  • 1990-е. СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ РОССИИ (Москва). Presentation: Шок и общество. Массовые настроения, протесты и социальная адаптация на начальном этапе освобождения цен в России
  • 2018
    Civilian victims at the Eastern front of WWII and Soviet home front (Париж). Presentation: Gulag at War: Soviet Camps of Unintended Destruction and the Crisis of the Forced Labor System, 1941–1945
  • СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ РОССИИ (1990-е гг.): К НОВОМУ ОСМЫСЛЕНИЮ (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Насколько против? Российское общество и либерализация цен в 1992 г.
  • 2016
    Сталинизм и война (Москва). Presentation: Военный кабинет Сталина: практики и последствия разделения полномочий
  • ОСМЫСЛИВАЯ ПРОШЛОЕ, ГЛЯДЯ В БУДУЩЕЕ: НОВЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ В ИЗУЧЕНИИ ИСТОРИИ ВТОРОЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ (Москва). Presentation: Секретари: Революция, война и застой в сталинской номенклатурной системе
  • 2015
    Европа 1945. Освобождение, оккупация, возмездие (Москва). Presentation: Советская политическая система: от войны к послевоенному периоду
  • Вожди в советской истории. Как писать политические биографии (Москва). Presentation: Политические биографии в современной России. Апологетика, подделки, наука


Timetable for today

Full timetable

‘The Past Is Never Dead. It's Not Even Past’

This summer, the HSE Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences was reorganized to become the HSE Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies. Oleg Budnitskii, Doctor of Historical Sciences, head of the Centre and director of the Institute, talked to the HSE News Service about the new division.

Lost in Recalculation: How to Estimate the Scale of the Soviet Economy and Its Rate of Growth

Researchers trying to compare economic data of the USSR and capitalist countries face questions of the comprehensiveness, accessibility, and reliability of data on Soviet economic production and growth. At an online seminar hosted by the HSE University International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and its Consequences, Assistant Professor Ilya Voskoboynikov (Faculty of Economic Sciences, HSE University) presented an overview of available approaches to studying the absolute size of the Soviet economy and its growth rates.

Financial Front

The USSR State Budget during World War II

Ugly but Necessary

How street trading spread in post-Soviet Russia

Studying History and Nation-Building in Borderlands

Alexandr Voronovici,a second year postdoctoral research fellow at the International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences, shared his experience of teaching transnational perspective on Soviet history to HSE students.

Underground Capitalist in Soviet Russia

How illegal entrepreneur Pavlenko built a thriving business in the Stalin-era economy

Expert on Soviet Economic and Demographic History Speaks at HSE

On October 10, Stephen Wheatcroft, Professor of the School of Historical Studies at the University of Melbourne delivered a lecture on ‘The importance of the grain problem in the Russian Revolution and for the next 40 years of Soviet Economics' at HSE Moscow as part of a long and busy schedule. A participant at previous April Conferences at HSE, Professor Wheatcroft is one of the world’s foremost experts on Soviet social, economic and demographic history, as well as famine and food supply problems in modern world history.

Laureates of Golden HSE 2016

On December 20, 2016, the ZIL Cultural Centre hosted this year’s Golden HSE awards ceremony. This year saw several significant changes to the award rules: new nominations have appeared, many of them were divided into categories for different groups of employees — all to help ensure HSE was able to express its gratitude to a larger number of worthy candidates.

'Just because a Document Is in the Archives, One Should not Assume that It Contains the Truth'

Higher School of Economics hosted the conference Looking Back, Looking Forward: New Directions in World War II Research to mark the fifth anniversary of the International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.

HSE Professor’s Biography on Stalin Wins PROSE Award

The book Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator by Oleg Khlevniuk has won the 2016 PROSE Award in the Biography and Autobiography category. Khlevniuk is a Leading Research Fellow in the HSE International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.

HSE Academic Wins Prize of Dinasty Foundation

Stalin: Zhizn odnovo vozhdya or Stalin: New Biography of A Dictator by Oleg Khlevniuk, Leading Research Fellow at the International Centre for the History and Sociology of WWII and Its Consequences, has won the Prosvetitel [Enlightener] 2015 Prize for Biography.  

HSE Academic Wins Prize of Dinasty Foundation

Stalin: Zhizn odnovo vozhdya or Stalin: New Biography of A Dictator by Oleg Khlevniuk, Leading Research Fellow at the International Centre for the History and Sociology of WWII and Its Consequences, has won the Prosvetitel [Enlightener] 2015 Prize for Biography.

A People’s History of War

HSE has hosted the international academic conference ‘Europe, 1945: Liberation, Occupation, Retribution,’ during which historians, sociologists, and culturologists from various countries discussed the social, economic, military, political, and cultural phenomena caused by World War II. In an interview with the HSE News Service, the Director of HSE’s International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences, Oleg Budnitskii, discusses the conference, its organizers, and its guests, and also talks about why it is important to study the human dimension of war.