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ORCID: 0000-0003-2940-0545
ResearcherID: D-9074-2015
Scopus AuthorID: 39764618200
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I. Smirnov
A. Ivantchik
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Valentina Mordvintseva

  • Valentina Mordvintseva has been at HSE University since 2019.


Archaeological expeditions, research, and teaching at the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology

Education and Degrees

  • 1996

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)

  • 1990

    Volgograd State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Awards and Accomplishments

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)



  • 2021
    Историк и текст (Москва). Presentation: Гири от римских «быстрых» весов из святилища Эклизи-Бурун (Горный Крым)
  • 2020
    Eurasian lectures on Tuesdays (Берлин). Presentation: Die Sarmatische archäologische Kultur: Netzwerkmodell gegen Spekulativmodell
  • «Géographie historique et géoarchéologie» (Париж). Presentation: Les Migrations en discussion
  • «X «Анфимовские чтения» по археологии Западного Кавказа» (Анапа). Presentation: Анализ социальной структуры населения Среднего Прикубанья в I-III вв.н.э. по материалам могильника Старокорсунский-3 (предварительные результаты)
  • «Боспор и Северная Колхида. Греческие колонии в негреческом окружении: динамика взаимодействия разнотипных обществ» (Москва). Presentation: Пространственные изменения в расположении погребальных комплексов элиты Западного Кавказа в Раннем железном веке
  • 2019

    Вторые Романовские чтения (Москва). Presentation: Сарматский звериный стиль – сфера идей и сфера вещей

  • Археология античного Боспора и Причерноморья (Ростов-на-Дону). Presentation: Сарматская археологическая культура в контексте сетевой модели
  • Древности Восточной Европы, Центральной Азии и Южной Сибири в контексте связей и взаимодействий в евразийском культурном пространстве (новые данные и концепции) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Культурная принадлежность адептов горного святилища Эклизи-Бурун (Южный Крым) по результатам анализа вотивов – металлических украшений костюма
  • Историк и текст (Москва). Presentation: Инокультурные, внутрикультурные и кросскультурные артефакты как источник определения культурной самоидентичности (на примере варварских контекстов Крыма римского времени)
  • 2018

    Боспорский Феномен. Общее и особенное в историко-культурном пространстве античного мира. (Санкт-Петербург.). Presentation: Политические элиты «варваров» Крыма и их сетевые связи в III–II вв. до н.э. по материалам погребальных памятников элиты

  • Power, Status and Symbols in the Black Sea in Antiquity (Вроцлав). Presentation: Expression of Power and Status in the Barbarian Cultures of the Crimea (3rd c. BCE – 3rd c. CE) and Networking of Political Elites
  • Advances in Ancient Black Sea Studies: Scholarly Traditions and Preservation of Cultural Heritage (Констанца). Presentation: Scholarly Traditions in the Studies of Crimean Scythia and the Late Scythian Culture

  • 2017

    ΙΙΙ Международный конгресс средневековой археологии евразийских степей "Между Востоком и Западом: движение культур, технологий и империй" (Владивосток). Presentation: Мир-системный анализ в археологии на примере звериного стиля Евразии сарматского времени

Editorial board membership

  • 2020: Member of the Editorial Board, Вестник древней истории (Vestnik Drevnei Istorii).

  • 2019: Member of the Editorial Board, Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia.

  • 2014: Member of the Editorial Board, Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры.

  • 2010: Member of the Editorial Board, Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia.



Principal researcher in the project RSF (Russian Scientific Foundation) № 18-18-00237 ‘Bosporus and the Northern Colchis. Greek colonies in a non-Greek surrounding: dynamics of interaction of differently organized societies’.


Principal researcher in the project RSF (Russian Scientific Foundation) № 15-18-30047 ‘The Crimean Scythia in the network of cultural relations between East and West (3 c. BC – 7 c. AD)’.


Organizer and manager of the project ‘Restoration of Chinese lacquer boxes found in the South-Western Crimea’, funded by the Sumitomo Foundation, Kyoto, Nara, Japan.


Principal researcher of the project ‘Research and publication of the collection of gold and silver objects of Krasnodar State History and Archaeology Museum (7th cent. BC – 7th cent. AD)’, funded by the Russian Humanities Foundation № 07-01-38109а/Ю.


Participant in the project ‘Between technical and artistic innovation and conservatism in local traditions: Toreutics works and decorative objects in the northern Black Sea region’, funded by the German Research Association (DFG), Berlin and Cologne, Germany.


Head of the Project ‘Ancient toreutic work in the Sarmatian culture’, funded by the Russian Humanities Foundation, Volgograd, Russia (No. 99-01-00019).

Employment history

Since 2019

Associate Professor at High School of Economics

Since 2015

Senior Researcher at the Institute of World History Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


Senior Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev


Head of Department at the Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea, Russian Academy of Sciences, Simferopol.


Senior Researcher at the Crimean Filial of the Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Simferopol.


Senior Researcher, Associate Professor at Volgograd State University


Junior Researcher at the Department of Archaeology of Volgograd Museum of Local Lore


Junior Researcher at the archaeological laboratory of Volgograd State University

Timetable for today

Full timetable

Archaeological excavations and an archaeological school in Agrigento, Italy 2021

Archaeological excavations of the expedition conducted by the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, HSE University, were held in the city of Agrigento, on Sicily. The Second Archaeological School, which was based on that expedition, took place from the 4th to the 25th of September, 2021.

Italy, Turkey, and Abkhazia: Outcomes of 2021 HSE IOCS Archaeological Expeditions

This year’s field season is over, and despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, archaeologists from the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies (IOCS) were able to undertake their scheduled expeditions to Italy, Turkey, and Abkhazia. The Centre is the only Russian institution that conducts regular archaeological research in the Mediterranean region—the heart of ancient civilization, where neither Soviet nor Russian classical archaeologists have ever worked before.

International seminar “Bosporos and Northern Colchis”

On the 5th of December 2020 took place the International online seminar “Bosporus and the Northern Colchis. Greek colonies in a non‑Greek surrounding: dynamics of interaction of differently organized societies”, which was attended by participants from Russia, Georgia and Romania. The project was carried out under the direction of A.I. Ivantchik with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation.

Migrations of Ancient Societies: Les migrations en discussion

On the 23rd of October 2020, Valentina Mordvintseva and Jean‑Paul Demoule delivered lectures during the discussion «Les Migrations en discussion» («Migrations in a discussion») in the series of online‑seminars «Géographie historique et géoarchéologie» («Historical Geography and Geo‑archaeology») of the l’École normale supérieure, Paris organized by Prof. Anca Dan.

Eurasian Lectures in German Archaeological Institute

Dr. Valentina Mordvintseva gave a lecture ‘The Sarmatian Archaeological Culture: The Network Model vs. Speculative’ in a series of on‑line lectures of the Eurasian Department of German Archaeological Institute.

International Scientific Conference “Archaeology of classical Bosporus and Pontus”

The conference “Archaeology of classical Bosporus and Pontus” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Dmitry Borisovich Shelov was held in Rostov‑on‑Don, on October 28 — November 1, 2019. Head of the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology Askold Ivantchik, Associate Professor Valentina Mordvintseva and students of the program “Classical and Oriental Archaeology” Alexey Devayev, Vladimir Lysenko and Pavel Nikulin presented there their lectures. The conference was very representative and brought together about a hundred experts on the archaeology of ancient Black Sea area from a dozen countries. It was held in a warm atmosphere thanks to the staff of the Tanais Archaeological Museum‑Reserve, the Southern Federal University and the Azov Museum of Local Lore, where meetings of scientific sections took place.

A new book in the series “Pontica et Mediterranea” is published

The volume ‘Advances in Ancient Black Sea Studies: Historiography, Archaeology and Religion’ reflects a tradition of fruitful collaboration between the Institute of Archaeology of Iaşi and many academic institutions from Romania and abroad. This volume is once again in line with their efforts to bridge the large gap between two scholarly traditions of the West with those of the East in order to integrate the constant flow of new information about the Black Sea region into western classical scholarship.

First classes for students of Classical and Oriental Archaeology

In 2019, for the first time, the Master’s Programme ‘Classical and Oriental Archaeology’ has successfully begun.

Archaeological Mission and Archaeological School in Agrigento, Italy

From the 1st to the 12th of May, 2019 an Archaeological School took place in the city of Agrigento on the Sicily, Italy. It was organized by the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology, IOCS HSE (Prof. Dr.hab. Askold Ivantchik, Prof. Dr. Valentina Mordvintseva, Yuri Svoyski, Engineer). The School was conducted in the frame of an international archaeological expedition (University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, France and HSE, Russia, with the participation of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, USA).

Historical Sarmatians and the Sarmatian archaeological culture

On the 13th of March, Valentina Mordvintseva, the associate professor at IOCS HSE, lecturer in the Master’s program “Classical and Oriental Archeology” gave a lecture on “Historical Sarmatians and the Sarmatian archaeological culture” at the Institute of History of the University of Rzeszow, Poland.

“The ups and downs of elites. Symbols of power in archaeological contexts”: a lecture of Valentina Mordvintseva

On November the 22nd, Associate Professor (IOCS HSE) and lecturer in the Master’s program in Classical and Oriental Archeology delivered a lecture on elite burials in antiquity.

Presentation of a new book about Crimean Scythia

On November the 21st, a presentation of a new collective monograph “Crimean Scythia in a system of cultural relations between East and West (3rd century BC – 7th century AD)” prepared under the editorship of Askold Ivantchik and Valentina Mordvintseva (Master’s Programme ‘Classical and Oriental Archaeology’ at IOCS HSE) took place at the Department of Comparative Studies of Ancient Civilizations of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Askold Ivantchik and Valentina Mordvintseva in Constance (Romania)

From the 20th to the 24th of August, 2018, took place the International Conference “Advances in Ancient Black Sea Studies: Scholarly Traditions & Preservation of Cultural Heritage” organized by the Institute of Archaeology in Jasi and the Museum of National History and Archaeology of Constance (Romania).

Valentina Mordvintseva on Expression of Power and Status in the Barbarian Cultures of the Crimea and Networking of Political Elites

On the 29th of Jule, 2018, a workshop “Power, status and symbols in the Black Sea area in antiquity” was hold at the University of Wroclaw being organized by the Institute of History of Wroclaw University (Poland) and University of Waterloo (Canada).