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Адрес: АУК "Покровский бульвар", Покровский б-р, д. 11, каб. D301
Время работы: 10-19
ORCID: 0000-0002-2756-0732
ResearcherID: L-5096-2017
Scopus AuthorID: 7004261470
Блоги и соц. сети
Моргунов Б. А.
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Одланд Йон Эйвинд

    • Начал работать в НИУ ВШЭ в 2019 году.

    Oбразование и учёные степени

    PhD: Университет Тромсё
    Специалитет: Норвежский университет естественных наук и технологии в Тронхейме, специальность «Медицина», квалификация «Специалист»

    Достижения и поощрения

    • Премия Хильдеса, Международный союз циркумполярного здравоохранения, 2012 год, за содействие исследованиям в области здоровья человека в Арктике и лидерство в исследованиях и укреплении здоровья в Арктике с 1990 года

      Честь руководства, Программа мониторинга и оценки Арктики (AMAP), 2016, Руководство Группой по оценке здоровья человека AMAP и редактор нескольких отчетов с момента запуска программы в 1993 году


    According to Google Scholar database professor Odland’s scientific publications have been cited 2973 times (September 4, 2018). H – index = 32 (32 articles cited 32 or more times).

    Membership in Scientific Societies

    Chair of AMAP Human Health Assessment Group (2009-present time).

    Key National Expert, Sustainable Development Working Group, Arctic Council (2010-present time)

    President of the Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research (2009-2011)

    President, International Union of Circumpolar Health (2012-2015)

    2005-2010: Board member, Board for International stipends, The Norwegian Research Council;

    2005-2009: Board member MILGENHEL, The Norwegian Research Council

    2009-2012: Chair of the Board MILGENHEL (from 2011 MILPAAHEL), The Norwegian Research Council



    2000: Phd - University of Tromso, “Environmental and occupational exposure, life-style factors and pregnancy outcome in Arctic and Subarctic populations of Norway and Russa”.

    1990: Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Tromso

    1980: MD Laudabilis, University of Tromso. 


    Professional Career

    Professor of International Health, Faculty of Health Sciences and Department of Community Medicine, UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (2007-2017 full time. From 2018 20% position). 

    Professor of Global Health, NTNU, Trondheim (since 2018,  full position).

    Visiting professor, Department of Public Health, University of Pretoria, South Africa (2013-present time)

    Visiting professor, GYN/OB Department, College of Medicine, University of Malawi (2013-present time)

    Key National Expert, Sustainable Development Working Group, Arctic Council (2010-present time)

    President of the Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research (2009 - 2011)

    Chair of AMAP Human Health Assessment Group (2009 - present time).

    2005-2010: Board member, Board for International stipends, The Norwegian Research Council; 

    2005-2009: Board member MILGENHEL, The Norwegian Research Council

    2009-2012: Chair of the Board MILGENHEL (from 2011 MILPAAHEL), The Norwegian Research Council 

    2012 - 2015: President, International Union of Circumpolar Health.

    2000 -: Teacher and supervisor in Health Education, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Public Health at Bachelor, Master, and PhD level in Norway, Russia, Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Island, Iceland, Canada, Malawi, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Australia, Argentina, and Vietnam. 

    1980 – 1994 Clinical consultant OB/GYN Bodø and Tromsø

    1994 – 2000 Associate professor and teacher UiT 


    Grants and awards

    Hildes award. International Union of Circumpolar Health 2012. Promotion of arctic human health research and leadership of arctic health research and health promotion since 1990.

    Honour of leadership. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) 2016. Leadership of the AMAP Human Health Assessment Group and editor of several reports since the program started in 1993